Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] been to " in BNC.

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1 I 'm ever so disappointed that I 've not been to Yugoslavia , I wanted to go to Dubrovnik , you know , it 's been on the sort of list but I 've never got round to it .
2 But the fact that I 've never been to England before does n't make me a complete bumpkin .
3 They could see by my record that I had n't been to prison before , did n't know the procedure .
4 I pointed out that I had not been to the polytechnic , but had been to Durham University on a scholarship — only the second the force had been awarded .
5 I could also check that she had not been to Baskerville Hall on the night of Sir Charles ' death .
6 Wellington 's riposte was that she had never been to South Africa , while he had and was therefore in a position to judge properly .
7 It is — The Under-Secretary of State , the hon. Member for Maidstone ( Miss Widdecombe ) , laughs and cackles , but I have no doubt that she has not been to Archway Tower .
8 All these workshops that have been going on that we have n't been to .
9 ‘ And the odd thing is that of all the people who complained to you after that sermon that they 'd never been to Rome only Sister Dew has taken advantage of this opportunity to go there . ’
10 Fitzormonde and Mowbray had always been soft , they could whine and moan that they had not been to blame , but Horne had agreed to Whitton 's plan and built a thriving business on the proceeds .
11 ‘ We have been so sensible , fair and reasonable with Lovell Homes that it 's probably been to our detriment .
12 Confession had not been a factor in the slowness of Pétain 's promotion in the way that it had checked the career of Foch , de Castelnau and other ardent Catholics ; indeed , Pétain could boast that he had not been to Mass for thirty years , so on this score alone he should have been earmarked , as things stood , for rapid advancement .
13 He suffered from the small disadvantage that he had never been to Rhodesia .
14 Also Parker confesses that he has never been to one of Elvis ' recording sessions : ‘ That 's his job — mine 's getting him as much money as I can . ’
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