Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [modal v] get a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am going to play him in the remaining reserve games so that I can get a good look at him .
2 I was hoping that P & I 's would be having a sale and that I could get a new concordance but she would n't even let me look .
3 I wished Tod would go and dig out that black chest of his , so that I could get a proper look at this Irene .
4 It did n't occur to her that she would get a good shot in … fine aim had never been one of her strong points — so when she heard him shout her name behind her , her instinct as ever was to run .
5 However , they 're not too obtrusive , they do sort of when you 're looking at her shoulder here and her hand was n't there I could well imagine that you 'd get a bright highlight off her shoulder , so maybe putting hands there it has helped in er , er to , to eliminate that .
6 They were trying to isolate the gene that produces insulin and insert it into the nucleus of a bacterium , so that you could get a self-replicating life-form which could then be used in the treatment of diabetes , or else it could provide a source of insulin that was n't animal-derived and did n't give you rejection problems .
7 These pockets are so voluminous that you can get a whole lot in besides — suntan lotion , midge repellent , etc .
8 Thank you very much well it 's always a pleasure to hear of about the Seamanship Foundation and I 'm sure that , as you might be saying , and er the need for the foundation 's fundraising will be rather heightened this year as a result of last year 's drop but I 'm equally sure that you will get a tremendous amount of support from the members and on that note which I think is er also is an important method of concentrating our priorities and on the basis of we 're extremely lucky to be able to pursue a really very enjoyable pastime with relatively few problems and that if we can get those opportunities to many more , who would otherwise not be able to enjoy and in fact frequently do n't get to enjoy any other pastime , we should endeavour to do so and consider ourselves lucky that we can .
9 Now what 's the chance , that we 'll get a blue out of the first bag , and a blue out of the second bag ?
10 The weather reports indicate that we may get a light snowfall some time over the next few days .
11 We used to stand it in the window to cool down so that we could get a cool drink — it was April and temperatures were up in the nineties and there was no water on the train .
12 But it looks likely that we will get a new statutory regime relating to public order offences .
13 I felt there was public benefit from offering this type of information by radio and I have asked Media Action to let us have the enquirers ' addresses so that we can get a geographical appreciation of where the calls came from ( one or two came from Fife )
14 I think one of the things that has to be addressed is not " who does this belong to ? " but " what is the basis for a common approach ? " so that we can get a common assessment policy so that we can get reassessment whenever it 's required , so that we can get packages of care devised that are appropriate to the needs of people and so on .
15 Mr Aziz 's initial reaction encouraged the Russians to believe that they would get a good reply , and get it promptly .
16 ‘ I said I did and he simply replied that they should get a short , sharp answer , ’ she said .
17 In reply the Metropolitan Police has launched yet another campaign to convince women that they will get a serious and immediate response from the police .
18 How does my hon. and learned Friend expect Palestinians to feel that they will get a fair crack of the whip while they are subjected to those double standards ?
19 But I mean erm er figures can lie and liars can figure and he comes back well now when you go into Company 's House and get all these things , how much they putting aside of the money which should erm like er so that they can get a good pension , well that money it does n't come actual from their pocket , it comes from the company 's funds which er really would have gone to the tax man .
20 In Romania , the government led by the reform communists who overthrew the dictatorship of Ceausescu has made so many mistakes that it may get a bad surprise in the parliamentary and presidential elections on May 20th .
21 He hoped it would be his last sharp-end posting ; that he 'd get a nice political appointment with the chance to make a lot of bucks .
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