Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 All of them would live more happily if they and the world remained in ignorance , and to try to achieve that I would give them the one gift I could .
2 I handed over my life 's savings and promised that I would give her the other nineteen and six before the year was up .
3 I think he just wants to keep putting it off ; he might be frightened of me gaining too much independence , or he might simply be scared that I 'll kill myself the way a lot of youths seem to when they get a bike .
4 You will be relieved to hear that I shall spare you the details of these arguments on this occasion .
5 ‘ But you were right when you insisted that I must give myself the opportunity to learn my true feelings , although … ’
6 ‘ Oh , you were always a fool , Neil , always — a fool to think that I would be content to live on nothing with a younger son and a fool to reject me now that I can give you the life which you ought to be living . ’
7 I want to be out on a limb with my back to the water so that I can see what the rest of the world is doing .
8 There was no way that she would give him the satisfaction of seeing her emerge later in the evening with puffy red eyes .
9 Now he was insisting that she should give him the dress she was wearing to pay off the debt .
10 Once they had spent an enjoyable week in Bath and on another occasion he had suggested going to Cornwall so that she could show him the house where she was brought up .
11 ‘ Craark ! ’ it said , and to Mildred 's delight , she found that she could understand what the creature meant .
12 Chesarynth wasted precious moments on amazement that she could appreciate something the powerful woman could not .
13 His silence encouraged her to be even more frank , and , looking to where the moonlight caught the line of his strong jaw , she said , ‘ I know you appreciate the help I 've given by stepping in to take Stella 's place , and for that reason I doubt that you would give me the sack — or tell me to go .
14 That 's the day that you 'll need me the most . ’
15 House music was taking over the galaxy , and this was an indication that you could do whatever the hell you liked with the genre .
16 And so that you could send them the information about it all , and then James is just talking into the camera , saying , oh I 'm really glad that this is happening , the band 's gon na be really happy , finally we 're on our way , bla bla , and then it ends .
17 However , I am doing as the Daily Mirror suggested , and am contacting you in the hope that you can give me the answer .
18 It 's not just the better the members that we 've got working in the Health Service , it 's about everybody in the room and everybody in the country who wants to use it and we 've got ta get it a bi a bit higher up on the agenda at this union and I hope Mick , that you can give us the confidence and give us the commitment , that that 's what we 're gon na get from this union .
19 I am sure that you will give him the same affirmation and support you gave to me when I arrived .
20 Well I I I would say that if it comes to the attention of Social Services , that we would treat it the same .
21 I can confirm that we shall have one Budget next year — and that we shall have one the year after and the year after that , as well .
22 Madam , I 'm gon na ask you to say in those circumstances that we should give him the maximum discharge .
23 Our idea was that we should call ourselves The All Stars .
24 But I find it hard to accept that all our land should be so buttoned up , and that we should allow ourselves the arrogant and indulgent belief — against every lesson in history — that we can run things better than nature .
25 We provide a platform for people to earn substantial money erm you know the only guarantee we give you is that we will give you the opportunity .
26 If you know of anyone interested in training , please let us know so that we can send them the details .
27 The other thing that we want from the client advertising client to make it a full deal so that we can pay you the thirty thirty percent commission is copy .
28 It means that we can guarantee you the very finest standards of organisation , care and comfort .
29 Now some doctors could conceivably still be frightened off , but we must presume , I think , that doctors are literate people , that they can understand what the law is if it is told to them , and the medical societies and other groups are making available to them the workings of this particular Act .
30 Some think that they can steal what the club makes , but it 's still thieving , even if it 's thieving from yourself .
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