Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [modal v] [be] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , when she was startled or frightened on my fist or as I approached her , it was painful to think that I might be responsible for her fear .
2 Did you imagine that I would be grateful for the attention ?
3 I decided that I would have to get to the Butcher 's office first or at least early on in the queue so that I would be barefoot for as short a time as possible .
4 He told me , before I first went to England in 1947 , to make sure I came back for the next Australian season so that I would be eligible for selection for the '48 tour .
5 Well , I keep my fingers crossed and plan to do my best to make sure that I 'll be prang-free for the rest of my flying career .
6 She must look at two other things , hard and solid , so that she would be strong for the battle ahead .
7 If you have no one to visit you , then you can tell the nurse that you would be grateful for a hospital visitor .
8 and on page seventy eight there is one of those tables , it follows from your previous answer , that you would be responsible for the figures of six pounds , thirty five at the top , nine pounds , fifty five and twelve pounds , seventy
9 While you are not entitled to recover twice the same amount of loss , it is conceivable that you might be eligible for full compensation in respect of both claims .
10 There 's details of courses and job opportunities , and perhaps you can get some advice on the type of job that you 'd be good for you .
11 It will alienate the interviewer if you seem mainly concerned to ensure your holiday will not have to be cancelled or that you will be eligible for the next pay rise .
12 You quickly realise , as Mrs Adams hopefully will , that you must be strong for your children .
13 It is accepting the lifestyle of Christ so that we may be usable for God 's glory .
14 It would be certain that they would be usable for a far greater number of hours than is now practical with our known meteorological patterns .
15 Or it could be that they would be appropriate for the reception area in one of the factories , or we might give one to a distributor and say , here you are , this you know , put this in if you 've got the right sort of area and would like to use it for a bit , stick it in there .
16 He dwelt on the pondus sacerdotum : the burden of priests , and more particularly of bishops ( and especially of archbishops ) , was that they would be responsible for the souls of kings at the Last Judgement .
17 — It was pointed out that the devolution of responsibility to Grade 1 and 2 for lower grades , meant that they would be responsible for the career development and training needs of staff they work with .
18 One reason is that the commercial transaction test seems to go too far ; many transactions which will be generally regarded as perfectly legitimate forms of investment , are entered into solely , or at least predominantly , for tax reasons , and I think it would be wrong to suggest that they might be taxable for that reason alone .
19 Banks are said to be concerned that they could be liable for pollution from land or property they take as security , and insurers say they may not be able to offer environmental cover in future , restricting coverage to sudden or accidental pollution .
20 Thus in Cammell Laird and Co Ltd v Manganese Bronze and Brass Co Ltd [ 1934 ] AC 402 , the contract was for the provision of two propellers for a specified ship and it was held that the sellers knew the purpose for which the propellers were required , ie that they should be suitable for the ship in question .
21 We now have three criteria for the selection of methods and resources : that they should be appropriate for the objectives and the students to be taught ; that they should be practicable in the context of the teaching session ; and that they should be compatible with the personal resources of the teacher .
22 However , if the PRO is arranging feature coverage or if it is known that they will be available for photography their PR lives will be extended .
23 However , the next coal contracts will be at competitive rates and I believe that they will be satisfactory for British Coal .
24 Some companies insist that journalists or other borrowers should sign a form to say that they will be responsible for any photographs borrowed and that they will pay for it in the event that a photograph is lost or not returned before a certain date .
25 Able-bodied men and women between 18 and 60 have been prevented from leaving Sarajevo so that they can be available for military or wartime government service .
26 Yeah well b well what I 'm trying to say and I ca n't emphasise it too strongly is that I do n't want anybody going round like writing another stupid letter to somebody saying that erm you know the reason we 're inundated that it has n't been advertised properly cos I tell you what it 'll come back right in our faces cos it 's our bloody fault Well that 's right well we know that I mean I told them all I told them all quite clearly when I was up in Glasgow that they 'd be quiet for at least a month because p it 'll take time to filter through .
27 And I feel if now we deny ourselves our greatest delight and say our love alone shall make us strong , our strength shall not depend on anything but our love then indeed I think we shall be creating an independence of each other , which can only make our binding sympathy more perfect … . for the present , for the 14 months before I am 21 then I have after much real thought , much consideration decided that it would be best for both of us to be separated …
28 ‘ You must persuade her that it would be best for both of you .
29 The Home Office may think it necessary on security grounds to make regular changes , perhaps believing that it would be undesirable for the routines of governors to be known to the general public .
30 What actually happened is that my Group said simply that our proposals for 11 to 16 year olds were built on our work for the primary stages , and that it would be absurd for us to bring out our second Report if its proposals were out of tune with the earlier attainment targets .
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