Example sentences of "[that] [noun pl] may be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The British Library Act state quite clearly that books may be disposed of if they are duplicates , though this raises the question of what exactly a duplicate is .
2 The possibility that books may be needed at some future date tends to encourage a defensive strategy of retention .
3 A central element in the charge that companies are ‘ short-termist ’ is that the stock market undervalues projects with a long-term pay off , and therefore that companies may be deterred from investing to the extent that is socially desirable for fear of an adverse effect on the market value of their shares .
4 Pupils should gain increasing understanding that texts may be related to the interests of different groups — such as women or men , adolescents or minorities of different kinds — and that critical thinking about existing stereotypes and values can be stimulated by studying literature which expresses alternative points of view : for example , on the family , nature and industrialisation , the nation or literature itself .
5 How may we change those conditions so that the book may be written , or , more importantly , that lives may be changed through that same Spirit of power ?
6 These ways are often referred to as vehicles or methods in public relations practice , because it is through them that messages may be sent to consumers .
7 But in the public goods case , it may be fruitful to allow for the possibility that individuals may be motivated by commitment ( Johansen , 1977 ; Sen , 1979 ; Margolis , 1982 ) .
8 It is well established that individuals may be pursued in tort even though the allegedly negligent act or piece of advice itself was in name performed by a company .
9 It is likely that SVQs may be achieved via Workplace-assessed Units , for those in employment , or via an approved group of National Certificate Modules prior to embarking on a career in the forestry sector .
10 In addition , Bagnold has observed that barchans may be formed in the troughs between series of seif dunes , in the manner shown in Fig. 1 1.5 .
11 A final complication is recent evidence that bitches may be reinfected during late pregnancy or lactation , leading directly to transmammary infection of the suckling pups , and , once patency is established in the bitch , to contamination of the environment with eggs .
12 ’ Erskine May ’ states clearly that amendments may be made in Committee even if they are not within the Bill 's scope according to the long title .
13 Similarly , the fact that mothers may be associated with certain types of abuse may reflect the position of women within the family and the wider society more generally ( Parton , C. , 1989 ) .
14 But what is more troubling than the initial rigid fixed term is the fact that warrants may be renewed for longer periods still .
15 All of which lends circumstantial weight to the idea that oncogenes may be activated by stripping them of their methyl groups — and also explains the common observation that tumour cells may sometimes express inappropriately characteristics of other tissue cells .
16 His argument is that newspapers may be inhibited about discussing the commercial interests of their proprietors but otherwise they exercise independent judgement .
17 Given the inclusion of so many considerations , it is not surprising that standards may be amended from time to time : for example , standards may be made more stringent if new scientific research reveals a lower threshold of effect than was previously believed to exist .
18 It will also evaluate a range of explanations which suggest that wages may be set above the market clearing level for efficient reasons .
19 A ribbed shell of this kind is often stronger than one without ribs ( for the same reason that corrugated iron is used for roofing ) , and it is probably no coincidence that ribs may be developed on bivalves too .
20 Mr Zhelev fears that elections may be called before alternative platforms and candidates are ready , giving the Communist Party a clear run .
21 The work of Spear ( 1984 ) and Bradley ( 1984 ) are examples of work which suggest — though do not prove — that markers may be biased against girls when marking their work .
22 Since he believes that students may be aided in drawing their own conclusions if writers make their own value biases explicit , it is particularly important to do this .
23 Several damping arrangements are available for the sample so that measurements may be made in the bending , shear , or tensile , modes .
24 The Act recognises that shares may be transmitted by operation of law and that , when this occurs , the prohibition on registering unless a proper instrument of transfer has been delivered does not apply .
25 It is possible , therefore , to integrate modules in such a way that Outcomes may be overtaken in less time than the total notional time for the programme .
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