Example sentences of "[that] [art] [noun] [vb mod] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 At the conclusion of the hearing of this petition for special leave to appeal their Lordships announced that they would humbly advise Her Majesty that the petitioner ought to be granted special leave to appeal and that they would give their reasons later .
2 All that has changed over the centuries is that the monarch used to be the substantial head of the government and it is , indeed , still the case that , legally , much central government executive authority continues to reside in the monarch .
3 For all your alleged love for the poor and the oppressed , you seem to think that the public ought to be selfish when it votes .
4 They are , of course , Norwich City , a club so far ahead in the League that the title ought to be a formality .
5 if he believes that a criminal offence has been committed and he believes that the officer ought to be charged .
6 The attempt to launch new London evening papers reflected an enduring belief that the capital ought to be able to support more than one .
7 It seems to be true that the cottage used to be his home , but you do n't carry a big old-fashioned key like that around in your pocket for years , so I do n't see how else he got it .
8 far from happy with the plan print room with the er er o o o and suggest that the businesses ought to be concerned about the way that their records are stored in their plan room .
9 This is set out as follows : ( 2 ) Where a person has entered into a contract after a misrepresentation has been made to him otherwise than fraudulently , and he would be entitled , by reason of the misrepresentation , to rescind the contract , then , if it is claimed , in any proceedings arising out of the contract , that the contract ought to be or has been rescinded , the court or arbitrator may declare the contract subsisting and award damages in lieu of rescission , if of the opinion that it would be equitable to do so , having regard to the nature of the misrepresentation and the loss that would be caused by it if the contract were upheld , as well as to the loss that rescission would cause to the other party .
10 Most commentators , pace Mr Damant , are likely to think that there is a good deal too much fudging going on and that the ASB ought to be cracking down on it .
11 The conclusion was that the practice ought to be regulated .
12 ‘ The court may grant the application if — ( a ) the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross demand which equals or exceeds the amount of the debt or debts specified in the statutory demand ; or ( b ) the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial ; or … ( d ) the court is satisfied , on other grounds , that the demand ought to be set aside .
13 The court may set aside the demand if the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross claim equalling or exceeding the debt demanded , the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial , the creditor appears to hold some security for the debt of sufficient value , or the court is satisfied on other grounds that the demand ought to be set aside .
14 Where the accountants advise that the Revenue ought to be asked to treat the firm as a continuing business , a new partner will be required to join in a continuation election under s113 of the Taxes Act ( see Chapter 10 ) .
15 Erm no what coming out of this is that how that although one would assume in the south that the peasants ought to be more revolutionary , in actual fact it 's the reverse and why is this happening , is it because of the fact that the Communist Party were in the n that maybe essentially that the peasants in China er were reactionary and worked within the confines of moral economy , but because of the presence of the Communist Party in the north they became more revolutionary and that 's sort of suggested by the success of land reform there and the fact that how , that they ca n't implement it in the south .
16 It is only after three years of political persuasion and in-fighting that tournament officials have overcome enough local opposition from environmentalists — conveniently forgetting that the site used to be a rubbish tip — for a permanent stadium to be built .
17 She says that the canons used to be filled with nails , nuts and bolts etc and they could cut a man in half .
18 ( 4 ) An action of which the value is £50,000 or more shall be tried in the High Court unless : ( a ) it is commenced in a county court and the county court does not consider that the action ought to be transferred to the High Court for trial ; or ( b ) the High Court considers that it ought to transfer the case to a county court for trial ( art 7(4) ) .
19 Their Lordships will humbly advise Her Majesty that the appeal ought to be dismissed .
20 Commercial contractual relations had become valuable rights which could be regarded as entitled to at least some of the protection given by the law to property and while it was argued that the plaintiff ought to be satisfied with his action for breach of contract against the party induced , the latter might be incapable of paying all the damages .
21 If independence exists in fact , then it implies that the perception ought to be brought into line by a clear public understanding of the facts .
22 And somewhere through the hotel muzak lurks the sensation that things used to be different , that we ( my brother and I ) had n't always been wrapped in jumpers , silent , staring at the screen , that the days used to be hot and long .
23 Buckets , well every night time , when we finished dredging , you had to wash down , wash the decks down cos I mean that the decks used to be covered in mud and slush , so all we had then was an old draw bucket on a bit of rope , over the side , there were n't no hoses then , we used to the bucket and then we used to swing all the mud back in there , in the river .
24 This was abolished in 1972 and consequently the prosecution must now convince a more representative sample of the population that a publisher ought to be punished : a sample , moreover , which has a constitutional right to acquit irrespective of the letter of the law .
25 There is the further consideration that if after a Jury has deliberately decided that a person ought to be put to death , the Home Secretary should nevertheless find it his duty to recommend clemency , there would appear to be a conflict between the Crown and the Jury .
26 During the discussions on the Marshall Plan , Norway proposed in July 1947 that a committee ought to be established to consider possibilities of economic cooperation .
27 He issues an encyclical saying hard drugs should be made cheaply available to addicts to cut out the mobsters , and insists that every child ought to be a wanted child .
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