Example sentences of "[that] [be] [vb pp] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So it is by no means impossible that the kraken and the other legendary sea monsters that are said to be able to rise from the deep and wrap ships in their tentacles , really exist .
2 they should include the key elements that are perceived to be important in achieving the identified and attainable level of ‘ best ’ performance .
3 These findings are consistent with the data of Simmonds et al although they used myeloperoxidase staining rather than measurement of myeloperoxidase activity , and the concentration of azide they used was 10-fold higher than concentrations that are believed to be specific for myeloperoxidase inhibition and thus may have been somewhat non-selective .
4 They represent more than 40 different plants , including sorghum , millets , legumes , fruits , nuts and tubers that are presumed to be wild ( although there are some suggestions of cultivation in the sorghum ) .
5 What is unfortunate today is that scientists are still trying to build science on foundations that are known to be inadequate .
6 Well , note first of all that the various gases that are thought to have made up the early atmosphere contain most of the main elements that are known to be essential to life : carbon , nitrogen , sulphur , hydrogen , and oxygen — though the oxygen was not ‘ free ’ , but was combined for example with carbon in carbon monoxide .
7 You should also be suspicious of foods that are known to be potent allergens .
8 Rather than cutting out a whole range of foods , concentrate on the foods that are known to be problematic in eczema : milk , eggs , beef , chicken , food additives , oranges , lemons and other citrus fruits .
9 ‘ Low risk ’ activity could transfer body fluids that are known to be infectious .
10 The direct way to assess this is to feed the rodents with large doses of substances that are known to be innocuous .
11 More problematic for the school as a whole are those initiatives that are designed to be cross-curricular and pervasive : language across the curriculum , maths across the curriculum , computing across the curriculum .
12 Social control performs the function of defining those acts that are deemed to be harmful to the society .
13 As it stands , this claim will be of no explanatory interest if the relevant descriptions of events are trivial in the light of our projects and concerns , and a persuasive conception of determinism must therefore include some method of selecting from among the multifarious possible descriptions of events those that are considered to be significant .
14 TWO COMPLETELY new organisms have been discovered that are thought to be important contributors to the ever-increasing problem of sexually-transmitted disease — in particular so-called ‘ non-specific genital infections ’ .
15 It has been argued that supply is more likely to show a positive response to relative price increases which are thought to be temporary than those that are thought to be permanent .
16 ‘ My mother never makes cakes that are meant to be dry and crumbly , ’ said Mortimer .
17 This education may go well beyond simply fostering understanding of the change itself ; it may include needs assessment and subsequent training in the skills and knowledge that are shown to be essential to functioning successfully in the changed environment .
18 They lie in why the restructuring took place and in the forms of ownership and capital structure that were assumed to be superior to the old .
19 Each had taken their cue , at some time or other , from the behaviours that were believed to be appropriate , and had developed to the point where they were thoroughly dysfunctional .
20 The question would be posed more specifically , distinguishing between the types of physical characteristics that were felt to be relevant to teaching and those , such as hair colour , which were not .
21 In Study 3 subjects performed judgment tasks that were chosen to be unrelated to risk rating .
22 Environmental pressure groups , such as the Sierra Club , have used this right on several occasions to press the EPA to take action : for example , environmental groups argued through the courts that Congress intended the EPA regularly to issue air quality standards for pollutants that were judged to be widespread and hazardous to public health .
23 How does one go about luring people away from a profession that is said to be non-existent ?
24 At no point on its way to Woodstock is it followed by a boundary that is known to be ancient .
25 But they tend to diverge into two types with respect to the information about features that is thought to be important .
26 Ecotopia turns its back on the capitalist treadmill of material progress-not by a return to pre-industrial forms and back to nature " but by developing a " high-tech " society that is designed to be compatible with the biosphere .
27 If I may make one suggestion to the South Africans that is meant to be helpful , it is this : call on Bob Burrows , the ITV producer who was in charge of the Rugby World Cup in this country , and invite him to be your consultant .
28 ‘ I 'm sorry ! ’ he said , adding in a tone that was intended to be gentle , but came out wheedling , ‘ Do you find me repulsive ? ’
29 After a voyage of investigation in 1584 a colony that was intended to be permanent was launched in 1585 .
30 It was however in the late 1950s that a dog arrived who embodied everything that was thought to be correct , a living blueprint for further development .
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