Example sentences of "[that] [be] [adv] [vb pp] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But , equally , well-intentioned laws that are badly drafted or not readily accessible are also a form of tyranny .
2 And as we " progress " towards the twenty-first century we are rapidly consuming all the stores of energy that are easily consumed and thus becoming more and more reliant on the less accessible stores of energy .
3 The new Earth Data System is designed to facilitate the collection and analysing of environmental-impact data by enabling the data to be gathered from many different types of computers that are geographically dispersed and often incompatible .
4 Produce letters that are recognisably formed and properly oriented and that have clear ascenders and descenders where necessary .
5 There is no doubt generally that children love jokes and riddles that are predictably structured and heavily formulaic , whatever the fashionable subject-matter .
6 It is extremely important that you have an organisation structure that is clearly understood and then you should not keep altering it .
7 The main contribution of CLE-I is substantial coverage of English constructions in both syntax and semantics that is well motivated and hence extensible ; in contrast to SPAR , it was not built mainly with anaphor resolution in mind .
8 It is important for the elderly to have heating in their bedroom because of the risk of hypothermia , and it is also essential to make sure that they are living in a home that is well ventilated as well as warm .
9 In the case of trends in tobacco smoking ( and by implication of trends in the diseases to which it contributes ) the sum of Australian experience supports the view that centrally coordinated action that is adequately funded and deliberately built on broad based support can speed the fall in smoking prevalence .
10 In such a situation it is possible for the parent 's self control to snap and in a moment of aberration he may strike the child in a manner that is instantly regretted and most unlikely ever to be repeated . ’
11 But by this time it 's become easy to forgive a film that is pleasingly constructed and charmingly executed .
12 But about many of its manifestations there can be something ominous — something that is acutely understood and eloquently exposed in The Counterlife .
13 It has to be a genuine partnership at Cabinet level and all levels of coalition government of the sort that is absolutely established and highly stable on the continent . ’
14 Holland 1983 ; Rescorla 1985 ) , a term used to describe the finding that subjects can come to respond appropriately to a CS that is sometimes reinforced and sometimes not according to whether some other event ( the occasion setter ) accompanies the target CS .
15 It 's amazing how many women perm hair that 's already damaged and then wonder why the results are ghastly .
16 It turns out that if you 're gon na give a talk or something and it 's a talk that 's well rehearsed and well known , you give it better when there 's a lot of people in a passive audience than when there 's one or two .
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