Example sentences of "[that] [pron] did n't [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 The other thing , and this was just as important , was that I did n't feel I could play the drums well enough . ’
2 I replied that I did n't think I would be a very good secretary but that one day I would like to run my own gallery .
3 Well I do n't know it the way you two do the work it looks so fine that I did n't think I could see it properly .
4 I do n't know what it was about , but I know that it shocked me into the sort of terror that I did n't know I was capable of .
5 For transgressions that I did n't know I 'd made ?
6 Before I was in the band if I saw that something was happening that I did n't like I 'd say nothing and go along with it .
7 You could argue it was n't his fault that Clare was killed — or that she did n't love me as much as I loved her — and I 'd have to agree .
8 Not that she did n't think I was really rude before .
9 she said cos she were talking , she knew tape were still running and she were pretending to say that she did n't say I could do it but she did
10 I 'm amazed that you did n't bring me a bunch of fucking flowers . ’
11 A few moments ago I could swear that you did n't hate me . ’
12 I am not surprised that they did n't tell me about it ; we had very little money in our house .
13 I told the computer about visiting my parents and that they did n't believe me .
14 When I look back at what I learnt in college I 'm disappointed to think that they did n't teach me more .
15 ‘ Froggy Davies is dead , in the hut , ’ I gasped out , but I was so breathless , from shock rather than running , that they did n't understand me .
16 And I could n't bear to be with women I did like because it reminded me forcibly that they did n't turn me on . ’
17 But the odd thing was that it did n't fill me with the slightest sense of humility or feelings about the separateness and ‘ otherness ’ of nature , but with sheer , shouting joy at sharing that old world on a new morning with my wild Scots kinfolk .
18 It indicated that he did n't know me well — for which I was deeply grateful .
19 I looked at his face , which was something I did seldom , for I did n't like it , and saw that he did n't believe me ; that he found it inconceivable that I should n't love him ; that , ageing and unmarried though he was , he believed himself to be irresistible .
20 How odd that he did n't recognise me .
21 Once a Met Officer remarked cheerfully to me ( from the warmth and light of the office ) , that the rats were much more frightened of me than I was of them , but I noticed that he did n't take me up on my suggestion that he should come out with me and see for himself .
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