Example sentences of "[that] [pron] should [verb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They believe that everyone should write as they do : not as well as they do , of course , but in the same fashion .
2 In spite of his earlier suggestion that I should talk as I ate , Sir Edmund refused to listen to me until I 'd put away a plate of his favourite devilled kidneys .
3 Here also is a new Member , Nick Hawkins ( Member for Blackpool South and a leading member of the Bow Group ) : ‘ From my involvement in European matters , I believe that I should say that I have great misgivings about the decision I will ultimately make tonight to support the Government and to support the Maastricht Treaty .
4 They would have found me a bed , but it was not in the bargain that I should linger after I was no longer needed .
5 We both know what an outrageously male chauvinist pig you are , Ross — but , in case you have n't guessed , I find it very insulting that you should insinuate that I have somehow slept my way up to my present position ! ’
6 The Regulations are presently the responsibility of Building Control Officers within local authorities and it is to them that you should apply if you want to do any work which might be affected by the Regulations .
7 I , I think that we should assume that we would not get paid time .
8 It is to these factors , rather than to artillery itself , that we should turn if we wish to see which arms were proving to be of the greatest significance in the war .
9 About half of the people detained under Immigration Act powers in general do not wish to challenge the decision that they should leave but they need help winding up their affairs here , contacting their friends and families and pressing the Home Office to process their cases quickly so that they do not have to spend unnecessarily long periods in prison .
10 It was important that they should feel that I was healthy and happy .
11 Well , from Cizek 's point of view , it is much better that they should draw as they know to be , than for him to show them by means of perspective how to draw the house as it is seen by the camera 's eye .
12 It is important that they should understand that they are not being examined to see how ignorant they are but that you are trying , with their help , to help them to become good spellers .
13 2:11 , 16 ) and positively that they should recognise that they belong to one another and take active steps to welcome and support one another ( Rom. 15:7 ) .
14 I have to say though , that when we the Council advise other charities on the investment powers that they should take when they 're established and when they draft their Memorandum of Association , erm , we advise them to take wider powers er , than these , and we advise them that they should not seek to constrain themselves by the Trustee Investment Act nineteen sixty-one , as our own flexibility is constrained .
15 It was here that Napoleon spent his working day when in residence at the Tuileries and from this study France was governed , for , as his ministers knew : ‘ The Emperor had no reason to fear that anyone doubted that he reigned ; he was even more anxious that they should know that he ruled . ’
16 Travel agents are more conscious of the risks and usually give travellers a list of vaccines or medicines that they should obtain before they go .
17 But since she had wrecked Luke 's plans for a country weekend with Lexy , and deprived him of the possibility of replacing her from the ranks of his unofficial harem , perhaps it was hardly surprising that he should demand that she herself should fill the gap .
18 I was flooded with joy , and all at once it seemed the most important thing in the world that he should know that I still loved him , too .
19 Y-you … ’ she spluttered , and , loving him , found it absolutely beyond belief that he should believe that she and his cousin had just been having a fine old time .
20 When Shell and UKOOA — representing all the major companies — appeared before the Select Committee , they were astonished that anyone should suggest that they , as operators of various North sea fields , could not be approached by any employee , regardless of whether that person was employed directly by a company or employed by a contractor .
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