Example sentences of "[that] [pron] could not [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I explained to the man that I could not carry cheese to my appointment but that I would be back another day .
2 The simile was so striking and no doubt so apt , and one that was so delightfully Eliotish , that I could not take offence , though a critical word from that quarter could deal a heavy blow to one 's morale .
3 He apparently forgot that I could not understand German or else decided that what he wanted to say could not be left unsaid , for he began to talk fast and seriously .
4 Breeze turned to her sister , realizing that she could not shield Roger much longer .
5 Once she was there it would require a tremendous effort of will to get her back to London — except that she could not leave Holly in charge for more than a day ; and except that she was avid for information about the murder inquiry ; and except that there were any number of good stories she wanted to pursue for the column and any amount of private gossip she wanted to hear .
6 Her father had a chronic heart condition as a result of which Pamela had come to feel that she could not discuss problems with him .
7 They said that one could not solve unemployment on such a scale and that if one invested £1 million in one area , having taken it away from profitable Birmingham or wherever , it would leave us worse off in the end .
8 My dad always used to say that we could not afford lunch , although , I have to say , this did not stop him eating it .
9 An encounter with a French frigate delayed their final sailing so that they could not reach Sumatra in time .
10 The reason was that they could not resolve ambiguity between competing lexical interpretations on a word-by-word basis , and so had to maintain possible interpretations in a representation that was separate from the lexicon .
11 Foreign teachers of English often joked that they could not pass TOEFL , but for the Chinese students it was no laughing matter .
12 This prohibition on other forms of lending meant that they could not issue cheque guarantee cards because they would then be obliged to honour cheques of depositors who overdrew their accounts thereby , in effect , giving them an overdraft .
13 As we saw earlier , societies were previously inhibited in this by the fact that they could not issue cheque guarantee cards .
14 In the event , however , the project occurred in neither of these areas : not in Barnet because the psychogeriatric service was still in the process of development ; nor in Southwark because , although there was an enormous amount of goodwill and enthusiasm for the project , the social services unions ( particularly the joint Home Helps Shop Stewards Committee ) decided that they could not endorse cooperation with the project , the main reason being that they felt — mistakenly in our view — that a project which employed its own carers might be a threat to the employment of local authority home helps , and that ‘ to endorse such a service is not helping the elderly in the long term , it is only carrying out this Government 's stratagem in closing Homes and hospitals ’ .
15 Because students felt that they could not approach staff , they often had problems about what to do when they could n't understand the work :
16 Some people said that their incomes were so low that they could not obtain mortgages and 18 were squatted in by former occupants who refused to pay the money .
17 They complained that they could not get loans from LEDU and if they did , the money only came after long delays .
18 The other great method of investigation and discovery of information was by the appointment of select committees , governments often feeling that they could not oppose motions seeking to elicit the facts on any situation .
19 Presumably on the basis that it could not involve James , she had asked him to join them for supper .
20 Britain was granted a specially lenient deal because Environment Minister Lord Caithness argued that it could not fit FGD in the required timescale , and that it had domestic high sulphur coal which it ‘ had to use ’ whereas other countries relied mainly on imported low sulphur coal .
21 By 1938 the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee ad-mitted that it could not increase dependants ' benefits without pushing the level of unemployment benefit for the family man above the level of many workers earnings .
22 On Jan. 23 Sikh militants ambushed Joshi 's cavalcade near the town of Jullunder in Punjab , killing five people , after the BJP rejected a last-minute appeal by the government to call off the march on the grounds that it could not guarantee protection against attacks by Sikh and Kashmiri militants .
23 Leopold related the news , and the Archbishop 's excuse for not having allowed father and son to travel the previous year : ‘ he said that he could not tolerate people going about the world begging ’ ( 31 August 1778 ) .
24 For the very reason that he could not lift Lucy 's dark tresses and have a look , he could not slip his hand on to her neck .
25 Mr Vernon admitted that he could not do justice to all the fund raising efforts of the year , but would nonetheless like to congratulate the organisers of the four local appeals in Lincolnshire , Filey , the Mersey area and Derbyshire who all reached and surpassed their targets in 1990 .
26 Gerhard Riege , a Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS ) member of the Bundestag ( lower house of federal parliament ) , committed suicide on Feb. 15 , leaving a note in which he stated that he could not face media publicity concerning his alleged Stasi connections in the former GDR .
27 It is one of civil politeness with the inn keeper realising that he could not beat Turnour in a fight and so he is prepared to bend under Turnour 's will as shown by his ‘ almost ’ friendliness when telling Turnour about his house and his asking of when Turnour would like to eat .
28 Without Ramsey 's knowledge , Fisher came to the decision that he could not want Ramsey to succeed him , for reasons given above .
29 Polanski replied that he could not rush matters of a sexual nature .
30 He said that he could not imagine conditions arising that would make it possible , stressed the collective nature of the democratic movement and said ‘ I can not forever play this dual role of amateur politician and writer . ’
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