Example sentences of "[that] [pron] are [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If you are working in a very technical field you should do your homework before the interview so that you are prepared for detailed questions about equipment and techniques you may have to deal with .
2 Some say that it is because the church has neglected , in almost every generation , to create a true fellowship in Christ that we are faced with modern freemasonry or , more recently , acid house or the New Age groups .
3 That means that we are locked into issuing fire certificates since we rely on the and it imposes a marked official erm , performance target on us , we ca n't afford to let the numbers of inspections of supported defences drop , so that means that we 've got to find money from elsewhere in the budget .
4 However , this good fortune can not be guaranteed and human psychology may be such that we are doomed to permanent hesitancy or disagreement , a fact with which each will have to cope from the perspective of his own attitudes .
5 Teachers must be intellectuals in the sense that they are engaged in constant co-operative inquiry into the content and method of schooling , an inquiry in which their own experiences and thoughts provide major input .
6 As Zachar ( 1982 ) has described , the poor cohesiveness of loess soils , due to the paucity of binding colloids , means that they are characterised by high erodibility which is made worse by leaching that rapidly removes cations like calcium and magnesium .
7 It is important that they are kept in good working order so that water does not leak from the system and so that you can turn the water off when you want to . :
8 These manufactured crayons differ from lump sanguine in that they are based on special recipes , including China clay admixtures , to soften the natural properties of the colouring matter used .
9 In the field of economic policy in particular , business and labour have come to work so closely with the interventionist state that they are seen as governing institutions in their own right .
10 They are usually so directly continuous with the tergum that they are regarded as postero-lateral outgrowths of that region .
11 The implication that they are determined by other factors and of slight consequence occurs again and again ; but Braudel can never bring himself to say it straight out , and indeed undercuts it in the third part of La Méditerranée where , for example , the defeat of Charles V and the Venetians by the Turks in 1538 is said to have had consequences which lasted over a third of a century .
12 However , even a rudimentary enquiry into the problems discussed above shows that they are connected in obvious ways .
13 In the second , nervous disorders have no effect on absenteeism , despite the fact that they are caused by poor jobs .
14 For them , however , the involuntariness , vivacity , and coherence of certain ideas is evidence that they are caused by real things ; for Berkeley it means they are real things .
15 These castles differ from Norman ones in that they are built in concentric rings of walling , studded with mural defence towers , with an open space in the centre .
16 Many biographers fall into a category which might be described as scholarly but not academic in that they are written by professional writers for an educated general readership rather than for the narrower market of academic specialists in a particular subject .
17 Warts have more nuisance value than medical significance , but , like all of the minor sexually transmitted diseases , they serve as a useful indicator to the possibility of other infection , and anyone with anal or genital warts should make sure that they are screened for other genital infections .
18 I am informed by one of our Councillors that they are surrounded with Barbed wire .
19 Influencing the attitudes of staff working in the local careers advice service by ensuring that they are provided with up-to-date information of developments in nursing and someone from whom they can seek assistance .
20 Britain grinds out almost five million tonnes of hazardous waste each year , of which about 63,000 tonnes are so difficult to store or treat that they are burnt at high temperatures here in Gwent or at one of three other centres : Ellesmere Port ; Fawley , near Southampton ; and the unfortunately named Killamarsh , near Sheffield .
21 If this approach tends to proximate to idealism in seeing linguistic forms as closed , self-referential systems without any manifest acknowledgement that they are located in distinct socio-economic structures , this is not to deny its potential in interpreting political forms .
22 Their meaning is such that they are to be distinguished from various other " if " statements , that they have certain logical properties , and that they are entailed by independent nomic conditionals together with further premisses in a way derived from the antecedents of the latter conditionals .
23 It is recognised that these are important aspects of the learning and teaching approaches for the modules and it is recommended that they are used for formative assessment .
24 Has he looked at the way that they are used by individual police forces ?
25 Once activated , dysfunctional assumptions produce ‘ negative automatic thoughts ’ — ‘ negative ’ in that they are associated with unpleasant emotions and ‘ automatic ’ in that they pop into people 's heads rather than being the product of any deliberate reasoning process .
26 It is important that when they are planted in their permanent position , that they are accommodated in proper waterlily planting baskets .
27 Furthermore , it is the responsibility of formal carers to ensure that the least attractive and approachable of the old people , if they need help , are not neglected by informal care systems or , if that is unavoidable , that they are helped in other ways .
28 In particular , the reason that adjectives such as alive and asleep do not occur prenominally is that they are derived from adverbial phrases , and they continue to occupy only those places available to adverbial phrases qualifying a noun phrase .
29 The 1974 Labour Government insisted that what are known as long-term benefits , such as old-age pensions and invalidity benefit , should increase in line with prices or earnings , whichever was the more advantageous for the claimants .
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