Example sentences of "[that] [adj] [noun] is [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It is usual and desirable to provide that each party is to be sent a copy of the other party 's submission .
2 Obviously , I understand that this course is to be built mainly for the benefit of the people who 'll buy the new houses , but it seems a pity that natural unspoilt countryside should be bulldozed to make way for what 's really just a few rich people 's pastime . ’
3 The hard core of Marx 's historical materialism would be the assumption that social change is to be explained in terms of class struggle , the nature of the classes and the details of the struggle being determined in the last instance by the economic base .
4 " Whatever subject or age group you teach , there will be plenty of resources to help you cope with the demands of the National Curriculum , especially now that environmental education is to be an important cross-curricular theme , " says Peter Martin , WWF Senior Education Officer .
5 They think that all knowledge is to be found by perusing him , and not by looking at the real world .
6 The sub-contractor must be advised that all work is to be executed in accordance with the relevant drawings and specification , in a proper and workmanlike manner .
7 Its basis is that all life is to be valued and treated with respect ; that the rhythm of life is something implanted by the Creator ; that the different ecosystems have to be treasured , even when we regard them as hostile to human life itself .
8 This applies to both the concrete and abstract contributions , but it must be taken to imply that all goodness is to be regarded as being capable of reduction to a single mode , created in units .
9 ( The seller will generally try to restrict this to a warranty of specifically identified information : the acquirer will want a warranty of all information but not if the consequence is that all information is to be treated as a disclosure ) .
10 If we now ask how we could discover that all action is to be explained in non-intentional terms , and at the same time take the point that it could not be non-intentional in the way that mad or childish behaviour is , it seems that we should have to come to see all action quite differently .
11 The fallacy that secondary impotence is to be expected as the male ages is probably more firmly entrenched in our culture than any other misapprehension .
12 In addition , there may well be a requirement that any sub-letting is to be at not less than the rent in the lease , and that any sub-lease is to contain similar rent reviews to those in the lease .
13 The use of definite reference and third person pronoun signal that shared knowledge is to be engaged , that is to say , that contextual information is needed which is not abstracted in the codified forms of grammar .
14 But it should be made clear that educational excellence is to be found in the comprehensive schools of the State system , and indeed that these schools should take the lead both in educational experiment and in the democratizing of education as a whole .
15 Notwithstanding this provision , it is often of some reassurance to a purchaser from the husband if the wife is joined as a party to the contract or to a separate consent to sale form ; this confirms that she knows that vacant possession is to be given and the land charge is to be cancelled and can contain a specific release by the wife of her rights in the property as from the date of sale .
16 In Nigeria federal authority is very naturally devolved to state ministries , but these are larger in size and population than many sovereign African states , so it is within states as well as within smaller nations that true devolution is to be sought .
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