Example sentences of "[that] [noun] have [vb pp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The court heard that Newton had snapped in the mistaken belief that his father was about to draw a gun on him .
2 Soviet recognition was extended to the Castro government a few days after it had taken power , but this was not reciprocated , and it appears to have been the Cubans , concerned not to give Washington any pretext for claiming that Communism had arrived in the Caribbean , who were responsible for the fact that for well over a year after the revolution the two countries did not have diplomatic ties .
3 Turning to the specific task on hand , he commended the gas turbine division as a whole for the great strides it had made over the last few years and stressed the important role that LTS had played in the division 's growth .
4 As we reported in The Art Newspaper for December 1991 ( No.13 , pp.6–7 ) the boom in museum building that Germany had enjoyed in the Eighties is drawing to a close under the financial pressure of reunification .
5 In the latter case , it will meanwhile have the effect of turning literary study into something much closer to the sociology that Marxists have colonized in the modern academy .
6 She added : ‘ We have discovered today that Safeway have put in an amended access plan which Durham county council is likely to accept .
7 This allows the meeting to ask questions , comment or review what happened at previous meetings and to check that decisions have been carried out , or that matters have progressed in the manner envisaged .
8 The full story of what happened has never been reported , but it seems that Kambona had lost in a power struggle with other key figures in the Cabinet and TANU .
9 Some of these were old portraits that Boy had bought in a street market early on a Sunday morning , wing collars and moustaches printed in sepia ; some were cut from pornographic magazines or bodybuilding magazines ( in colour ) ; some were cut from newspapers ( these in black and white ) .
10 There are several other systems , regionally important , ethnically , culturally and/or theologically based but none has , as yet , had the pervasive success that capitalism has enjoyed in the twentieth century .
11 No big deal , it had happened in his life before ; but suddenly he was intensely , intensely relieved that Wayne had stayed in the van and could n't see this .
12 He explained away the list of things that Waddell had seen in the Ross 's house as having been published at the trial or in the newspapers , which was not the case .
13 Evidence produced in Social Trends 1987 ( CSO ) , after studying the composition of the lowest income group , suggested that changes have occurred in the nature of poverty .
14 ‘ By this you know the Spirit of God : every spirit that confesses that Jesus has come in the flesh is of God , and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not of God ’ ( 4:2 ) .
15 The altar was built of orange boxes , covered with a white silk cloth that Meg had found in the ragstore .
16 From the depths of my patchy education , I recalled that Shelley had drowned in a storm on a lake .
17 Mark Lennox-Boyd , Under-Secretary of State at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office , told the UK Parliament on June 11 that the expulsion , linked to complaints that Gladstone had interfered in the elections by entering a polling booth and by registering a complaint with police alleging malpractice and multiple voting , was apparently intended to stifle Gladstone 's criticism of Sri Lanka 's " unsatisfactory human rights record " .
18 When she turned she saw that Gabriel had settled in the armchair in the half-light that always bedevilled the centre of the room .
19 I wore a suit that Mary had seen in a second-hand shop in Paris and insisted I bought so that at least I had one outfit I could put on for interviews without worrying whether it looked OK or not .
20 His landlady had said that Drew had returned in a dishevelled state about 1.00am from the opposite direction from the theatre .
21 One of the objections to registering that users have voiced in the past is that it can lead to mountains of junk mail landing on the doormat every week .
22 The religious and zoological controversy stirred up by his theories on evolution largely overshadowed the very similar , or at least parallel , work that Wallace had done in the Far East .
23 Roberto Robaina , a politburo member and leader of the young Communists , stated that Aldana had engaged in a " lifestyle above those of the population " .
24 Think , by way of comparison , of the change that man has wrought in a much shorter time by genetic selection of dogs .
25 As she walked from the Underground to St Basil 's Terrace Ianthe noticed that curtains had appeared in the windows of the house nearly opposite to hers where the new arrival had moved in .
26 In view of the circumstances of his team 's downfall , perhaps the most ironic touch about the final was that Chapman had said in the Sunday Express a week before the game : ‘ I know nothing of the art of clairvoyance , but I should feel happier if someone would foretell me the vital incident which is almost sure to decide the match .
27 One method would be to program the computer to remember the kinds of qualities that humans have favoured in the past , and to exert continued selection of the same general kind in the future .
28 And , one that Dorcas had found in a book and was rather proud of : Unexploded Bom .
29 Although I agree that Strachan has proved in the past he is a class player and that Leeds would be foolish to consider selling Rocastle , I believe that the future of the Leeds team lies in the younger midfield combination of Rocky , Macca , Speed and Fairclough .
30 Gairy claimed that Arlin had resigned in an attempt to pre-empt his expulsion from the party after confessing his role in " taking up arms " against the GULP government during the 1979 coup .
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