Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [am/are] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 To the extent that policies are widely publicized and are regarded as credible by agents , the grafting on of the rational expectations hypothesis simply speeds up the process of adjustment to a lower rate of inflation .
2 Our product support team can also ensure that microscopes are properly installed and the user fully familiarised with its operation .
3 It is interesting to me that periods are never seen as important .
4 The new Charities legislation will ensure that charities are better managed and properly regulated .
5 It 's a sad fact that machines are better maintained than bodies .
6 We are lobbying hard both here and in Europe to ensure that directives are fully implemented but any revisions to existing directives do not weaken their impact
7 I sometimes believe that motorcyclists are often overlooked so it 's good to see us being taken care of in this manner .
8 Current research suggests that integrins are similarly located and may therefore provide a physical link between matrix and the cytoskeleton .
9 We have regularly said that we are prepared to put another 1p on the standard rate of income tax to ensure that people are properly trained and skill-trained , so that we can tackle the problems of the 1990s and try to achieve a much more dynamic and effective economy .
10 I think with er , it 's very interesting that people are actually admitting that they feel depressed and they have strategies for dealing with it .
11 All I mean is that brides are always described as beautiful . ’
12 Its remuneration in the form of wages may not be very high , but does offer a measure of security , in that wages are contractually established and regulated under existing labour laws , which means that in theory they can not be arbitrarily withdrawn or altered .
13 The individual himself may be perverse or oversensitive ; the reviewing court itself is capable of an Olympian detachment and impartiality , and it thus may find it difficult to believe that others are ever tempted and swayed .
14 The regulation of pension funds tends to be far lighter than for insurance companies as they are bound by trust legislation , and because the companies that offer pensions have an incentive to make sure that schemes are adequately administered as they are responsible for the benefits they have agreed upon for their employees ( even though they rarely run the fund themselves ) .
15 As a rule of thumb , this element in the main system model can be considered as monitoring the performance of the system as a whole ( for example , ensuring that residents are happily domiciled and day clients receive appropriate support ) , and setting , then maintaining , the standards of each sub-system ( Fig 11.8 ) .
16 The programme is based on evidence that chemicals are often sprayed when pests are not vulnerable and that the chemicals used can wipe out the natural enemies of the pest species .
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