Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [be] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We soon took steps to ensure that Gary was otherwise occupied when private matters of the church and home were discussed .
2 Throughout the debate it was evident that opinions were fervently held and eloquently expressed .
3 When he turned back to drape the garments alongside his cloak , and saw that Isabel was still clothed and beginning to shiver visibly with cold , his precarious patience snapped .
4 It proved unworkable because the smaller number of enquiries in rural districts meant that experience was never gained and the lack of anonymity within small communities meant that the enquiry rate was unlikely to increase .
5 To the extent that policies are widely publicized and are regarded as credible by agents , the grafting on of the rational expectations hypothesis simply speeds up the process of adjustment to a lower rate of inflation .
6 Berg also argued that the fact that G was fully informed and not misled by the report was irrelevant , since it was alleged that he was not acting in Berg 's interest so that his knowledge should not be attributed to the company .
7 As well as providing a fascinating insight into the world of nature , the six titles in Pendulum 's Discovery Video Wildlife Collection drive home the message that action is desperately needed if our environment and its wildlife are to be saved from eventual destruction .
8 There are many results on reputation effects in this context , but these show that entry is always deterred if the time horizon is sufficiently long .
9 The widespread presence of secularism does not mean that religion is totally eclipsed or reduced to the status of a literally insignificant minority interest .
10 I now see that Travis is so smitten that he would n't accept anything but that , meeting me for the first time when I called at your apartment , you at once became very much attracted to me .
11 Our product support team can also ensure that microscopes are properly installed and the user fully familiarised with its operation .
12 Measurement of sub-contractor 's work is a difficult and laborious task and management controls are necessary to ensure that work is accurately measured and valued and that the surveyor has sufficient time to achieve these objectives .
13 It is interesting to me that periods are never seen as important .
14 The new Charities legislation will ensure that charities are better managed and properly regulated .
15 Or alternatively the new situation is completely ignored and the time-space mesh contracted to such a degree that landform is almost taken as read and interest is , instead , directed at hydrological matters relating to the transmission of water and sediment across land-surfaces which look increasingly like the isotropic ones of human geographers .
16 The law ought , in my opinion , to give relief if satisfied that consent was truly lacking but will require of signers even in this class that they act responsibly and carefully according to their circumstances in putting their signature to legal documents .
17 It 's a sad fact that machines are better maintained than bodies .
18 More generally , the emphasis was on securing a ‘ speeding up of the system ’ and ‘ to ensure that development is only prevented or restricted when this serves a clear planning purpose and the economic effects have been taken into account ’ .
19 ( Press complaints over the handling of news from islands said that despatches were stupidly censored and when journalists headed their stories ‘ censored ’ , the word ‘ censored ’ was censored . )
20 We are lobbying hard both here and in Europe to ensure that directives are fully implemented but any revisions to existing directives do not weaken their impact
21 An emotivist will think that Butler is merely expressing and inviting an attitude whereby we favour this sort of system of self control , while an intuitionist will think that there is tacit appeal to an intuition as to what ought to be .
22 I sometimes believe that motorcyclists are often overlooked so it 's good to see us being taken care of in this manner .
23 That Parliament relied on the Ministerial statements is shown by the fact that the matter was never raised again after the discussions in Committee , that amendments were consequentially withdrawn and that no relevant amendment was made which could affect the correctness of the minister 's statement .
24 Current research suggests that integrins are similarly located and may therefore provide a physical link between matrix and the cytoskeleton .
25 We have regularly said that we are prepared to put another 1p on the standard rate of income tax to ensure that people are properly trained and skill-trained , so that we can tackle the problems of the 1990s and try to achieve a much more dynamic and effective economy .
26 I think with er , it 's very interesting that people are actually admitting that they feel depressed and they have strategies for dealing with it .
27 New developments in the production of clothing and footwear , involving the manufacture of cheap commodities for a mass market , meant that people were better clothed and also that they had a purchase on ‘ style ’ — including , as we shall see , ‘ youth styles ’ .
28 Originally scheduled for November 1991 , the tour had been postponed following opinion surveys which suggested that Bush was widely perceived as concentrating too much on foreign affairs and too little on domestic considerations .
29 All I mean is that brides are always described as beautiful . ’
30 By the end of the 1970S the additions to the housing stock had been so considerable that arguments were increasingly heard that Britain had enough houses .
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