Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Tavett was too preoccupied with his fear that Wickham believed him to be the murderer to form any judgments .
2 As the recriminations between the brothers become more explosive , and the wounds of jealousy reopen , I 've a horrible suspicion that Harwood wants us to be genuinely moved , but after all the superficial comedy , his attempt to lend the play emotional depth arouses embarrassment rather than pity .
3 You know very often , in fact usually the best way of working things out is to go right back to the beginning is n't it , it , to start off at square one and the trouble is sometimes we want to start in the middle , we want to pick it up where we think we can come in and it does n't work that way , we 've got to go right back to the beginning , and what is it at the beginning , well we look to see how God , what God 's plan and his purpose for us is , how God made us , it tells us there in the book of Genesis in the first chapter in verse twenty seven , that God created us to be like himself and you 've got to look in the mirror and I 've got to look in the mirror , not just the glass mirror on the wall , but into the mirror of ourselves and realise we do n't have to be intellectuals , we do n't have to be astute observers , but even the very cursory of glances will show to us that were nothing like it , if God made you and me to be in his image , then something has gone wrong , but that 's how we started , that is how he made us and in making us to be like himself that does something tremendous because it gives to men and women , it gives to human kind a status and a responsibility in creation , he did not make you and me like the animals , no matter how wonderful their abilities are , they 've got tremendous instincts , they 've got tremendous homing instincts , how that tiny bird weighing , weighing less than an ounce can fly thousands and thousands of miles , for the first time and come back , six , nine months later to the very spot where it was hatched out of an nest , now you ca n't do it , I ca n't do it , but for all wonders that God has put into the , into his , to his creative to his , in , in his creation , in animals , in birds and in other creatures , he has done something that marks you and I humanity out above and beyond all his others creation , he has given to us a status and a responsibility
4 I thought er that God wanted me to be a doctor and I did n't have a place to go to , I took my A levels having had five chances of places to be a doctor and everybody saying no , we do n't want you and erm I had everybody praying for me at church and quite miraculously at the end of the August , when I should start in the September , I had a phone call at half past ten at night from a surgeon at the London Hospital asking me to go for an interview the next day .
5 But you know if you wanted to talk about sanctification , as a for instance , that 's growing in grace and holiness , becoming more the person that God wants us to be .
6 He was joyful , because that is the way God wanted him to be , and because that is the way that God wants us to be .
7 Perhaps it is time to ask ourselves whether the notion of treatment by opposites , which has held the stage for so long , is indeed the false path that Hahnemann considered it to be .
8 My Lord that is in dispute , it is in dispute firstly that in fact as a matter of fact , Mr had ever held himself out to be an experienced man er of business , that Peter believed him to be as such , er and in any event , even if he was to seem as such it is the plaintiff 's case that there was still a duty upon the solicitor in that situation .
9 Aquitaine overflows with riches of many kinds , excelling other parts of the western world to such an extent that historians consider it to be one of the most fortunate and flourishing of the provinces of Gaul .
10 This became extended through the process of emulation , by which lower groups in the hierarchy sought to copy the higher groups , a strategy so fundamental that Veblen believed it to be the foundation for the concept of private property ( 1970 : 33–40 ) .
11 Though there is an element of ambiguity about the whereabouts of Wilfrid 's see , it is most likely that Ealhfrith intended him to be bishop of York , the significance of which is unlikely to have been lost on Wilfrid and his royal patron if Pope Gregory 's original plan to establish York as an archbishopric was known to them .
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