Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [verb] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Top of the list would be Television South-West , the West Country contractor , although Mr Romaine said that discussions had yet to be opened .
2 He was equally critical of the watercolours of Morocco and Scandinavia : It was generally remarked that Minton seemed deliberately to be stripping his art of mannerism , bravura and gaiety .
3 It was n't so much that Kefalov appeared already to be a more sordid city than the capital , as that this particular city had n't been devastated at all .
4 Victorians , who had yet to discover the stiff upper lip and the view that religion had always to be a serious matter , were passionate people who expressed their feelings freely and often loudly .
5 The fact that Christopher turned out to be an east European too hardly caused a ripple in Jane .
6 The first thing that Nigel got down to was , as I expected , fixing up his hi-fi , and on our very first evening that vast area reverberated with the great big beautiful noise of ‘ Also sprach Zarathustra ’ , so I felt truly at home .
7 A few years ago Japanese-Americans were compensated for being interned during the second world war , and some ( mostly white ) people have begun to point out that blacks have yet to be compensated for centuries of slavery .
8 Noting that rats tend naturally to be either left- or right-pawed in reaching for and picking up their food , he constrained them to reach for their food with the non-preferred paw and reported changes in RNA and protein synthesis in the region and side of the brain responsible for the motor coordination of the ‘ learning ’ paw compared with the ‘ non-learning ’ side .
9 The desire to avoid using past expenditure in assessing need means that attention has often to be confined to those indicators which are easily available at the Local Authority level , but the choice often appears to be arbitrarily restricted .
10 The completed cross-cut now meant that water needed only to be lifted to the level and allowed to run out to day .
11 The MPRP leader , President Punsalmaagiyn Ochirbat , stated afterwards that efforts had now to be made to promote further democratization and to overcome the current economic crisis .
12 He does n't defend it as the best way of getting the correct decision , he does n't defend it , or he does n't solely defend it that way he does n't defend it either on the idea that people have right to be tried by their peers for example which is the most likely defence now , but he defends jury service on the grounds of the effect it has on the jurors which is quite a novel erm .
13 It 's for this reason that shareware has n't to be confused with public domain ( PD ) software .
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