Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [indef pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I used to think that I ought to do everything and then at least I could n't blame myself for not having done enough .
2 ‘ What I 'm saying is that I can provide something that you can not — a proper family set-up for Kirsty to grow up in .
3 That I could express nothing if I did n't have the technique to do so .
4 ‘ I was so astonished that I 've been waiting until people started to come to church so that I could show somebody and you 're the first and most suitable .
5 Not that I could do anything but I would n't
6 Not that I could see anything when I arrived — it was covered in cloud .
7 When she has finished what she is doing for the moment , she walks on briskly , her head making little bird-like movements , so that she can see everything that she passes .
8 She thought then that she could take anything but that he should know she loved him .
9 Why he felt as if they had just agreed to an illicit liaison he did not know , unless it was the air of sexual invitation this woman wore as other women wore perfume , the practised composition of glance and gesture that she used to imply everything whilst proposing nothing .
10 Well it 's certainly right that you ought to stop anything that makes you feel worse .
11 Carrying a rape alarm will certainly give you confidence that you can do something if you are attacked .
12 One day you will wake up ( it may be a nice sunny Sunday morning ) and you will luxuriate in the fact that you can do anything that you want to do — anything that takes your fancy — and there is no one else to consider .
13 And yet she claims that she is not a very gifted person , adhering to her philosophy that you can do anything if you want to enough .
14 erm thinking that we ought to charge something because to hire the equipment is very expensive
15 Anyone who 's vigilant knows what 's going on and they 're aware of what 's happening , so again it , it shows that we must do something as they said on that motorway , the thing to do when you feel yourself going into drow drowsiness is , is stop the car perhaps , get out and have a walk round , do something , I know I , er in the past when I 've felt myself going off to sleep in those situations , I 've been pinching myself and , and really making yourself do something rather than just sitting there doing nothing , cos that 's the way we just go off and get lowered into sleep and our lives are involved in this , we 've read and heard about people that have gone to sleep on motorways have n't they ?
16 At particular market in time whilst we agree as the board that we should employ someone and we intend to employ someone we just think at this particular moment in time it is very difficult for us to actually raise that sort of money on a regular basis .
17 What we are trying to argue for is to try to prevent the cost , the pain , the hurt that is experienced after a divorce by alerting people to the fact that a divorce wo n't solve all their problems , it will transfer one set of problems for another and our great concern in this report is to go back one step , not just to speak to people who are experiencing hurt , but in the hope that we can say something before it reaches the stage that it had reached when they came to you .
18 In th i in the old days when a firm would come along and pack everything , then they said that , and that was quite true , that they would pack everything and then they would be responsible if damage was done .
19 Divers found the waters were so murky that they could see nothing and had to make their search by touch .
20 If you fill your factory with machines so sophisticated that they can make anything that any blueprint tells them to make , it is hardly surprising if sooner or later a blueprint arises that tells these machines to make copies of itself .
21 They have to have the confidence that they can query anything and that you are always approachable .
22 Not that they 'd have one but
23 Will my hon. Friend agree to tell the chairman of British Rail that he must do everything that he possibly can to improve the standard of service on that line for my constituents before 1995 ?
24 So vehement sometimes was this resentment that he could do nothing but believe it .
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