Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [indef pn] do " in BNC.

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1 I 've also adopted the philosophy that I must develop somebody to do my job better than I have done it .
2 I told her that we already had the tape and that she would have nothing to do but be there and play the role .
3 If you take your guitar to your local music shop and try out their range of pedals , the chances are that you will find something to do the job and save yourself the substantial cost of a new set of pickups .
4 If the LEA were to lay down as a condition of grant that we should have nothing to do with the University body , we should refuse the grant , and I do not see why Universities should not show the same loyalty to us .
5 The seamen are therefore determined that they will have nothing to do with Germans of any description until the Germans have made full reparation for the cruel murders committed and the lives lost on the high seas from submarine action " .
6 All the drivers are exciting , and people who are stuck in this pattern of behaviour often have an incentive to stay in it — they feel that one day they will succeed , they will finally be perfect , they will at last please everyone ; they will prove that they can get everything done more quickly than everyone else , and they 'll know that they can undertake anything under the most difficult conditions .
7 She finds it hard to explain why , but ponders that it may have something to do with the religious faith she grew up with .
8 It is not for me to help Scottish Tories in those circumstances , but I suggest to them that it may have something to do with the way in which the Government treat Scotland in legislative terms .
9 It did n't seem at all likely that it could have anything to do with Stavanger , and corpses in the Thames , alas , are not all that infrequent .
10 Lord Palmerston sent for me and told me in a jaunty way that he would have nothing to do with this Gothic style , and that though he did not want to disturb my appointment he must insist on my making a design in the Italian style which he felt sure I could do as well as the other .
11 He put three mugs on a tray and poured coffee so that he would have something to do when he went into the living-room .
12 The fact that Hitler was out of Germany , at the Führer Headquarters in the east , and engaged in the conduct of the war against the Bolshevik arch-enemy — a war which he had long prophesied as inevitable in order to defend Christian Europe — evidently made it unthinkable for many that he could have anything to do with the ‘ godless Bolshevism ’ of the brownshirts at home .
13 ‘ I thought that he 'd have something to do with it . ’
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