Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [conj] [pron] is [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 THERE IS a paranoiac frisson , and more than a little insight , to be had from the thought that we humans are not really in control of our own fates , and that someone or something is using us .
2 Resorts to ridiculous tactics like sitting the interviewee on a small , armless chair opposite a window so that he or she is blinking in a stream of sunlight .
3 Make sure that the baby 's body is facing the breast and that he or she is taking the whole nipple to fill its mouth .
4 To get the Income Support a person must be available for full time work and show that he or she is taking reasonable steps to find a job .
5 The trainee feels that he or she is flying a real aircraft , and can see the view from the cockpit just as if ( s ) he were actually approaching the runway at a particular airport .
6 But , at the end of the day , it is still down to the individual to make sure that he or she is getting the best deal possible .
7 Providing opportunities runs through two aspects of management : unless colleagues are given the opportunity to understand the world outside education , unless they have the opportunity to look around and to come to some new conclusions of their own about what they are doing , the head will say that he or she is failing .
8 The main thing the well-prepared learner brings to the task is positive expectations — expectations that reading will bring rewards of pleasure and understanding , and that he or she is going to learn to read and to enjoy the learning .
9 The onset of symptoms is very sudden and the outstanding ones are anxiety and restlessness and a terrible fear that he or she is going to die .
10 If you are convinced that he or she is going to hurt you and you ca n't escape , you may even hit out as they come forward .
11 The relative worth of each of these is dependent upon both the user 's aspirations and the sort of document that he or she is going to produce .
12 But if , by any chance , the reporter 's wife or husband also happens to be an Environmental Health Officer somewhere else , and happens to know that he or she is going off to do an interview , and say , ‘ Hey .
13 Gently move your partner 's head to the middle so that he or she is lying straight once more .
14 " Lucid " dreaming , when the dreamer " knows " that he or she is dreaming , and makes decisions about how the dream plot should develop , is rare .
15 Instances of " lucid " dreaming , when the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming , are rare , even among those who claim to experience it frequently .
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