Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [verb] not know what " in BNC.

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1 If I said , ‘ It looks blue ’ but otherwise seemed incapable of colour discrimination , of being able to respond differently , verbally and in other ways , to differently coloured things , and , particularly , of being able to tell when other blue things were present and when absent , then people would rightly suspect that I did not know what I was talking about , that my experience could not really be of its looking blue .
2 The judge did not , however , take that easy course but , instead , accepted at its face value Mrs. Steed 's statement that she had not known what she was signing .
3 Her evidence was that she had not known what she was signing and that , trusting her daughter , Claire , as she did , she would have signed anything her daughter had put before her .
4 It is not that she does not know what to say , it is that there is not enough time to say all she knows .
5 He would have preferred it had their arguments led directly to immaterialism , and showed not merely that we do not know what qualities material objects have , but indeed that they have none , or even that there are no such objects .
6 It would be disingenuous , even for those of us who take another view , to pretend that we do not know what made an intelligent British traditionalist like Enoch Powell call for a halt to mass immigration some 20 years ago , and what made British governments of both parties follow his lead .
7 Of Henry , as of Edward III , we must admit that we do not know what his precise political ambitions in France were .
8 We should of course be aware that we do not know what Jesus himself said : we do not have his words verbatim .
9 The increasing numbers of dementia sufferers living alone ; the pressures on carers , will mean that the need for all services will increase and I would suggest that the level of our knowledge is such that we do not know what the " best " care for dementia sufferers is — and what may be best for sufferers may not be best for carers .
10 The Government can not say , as an excuse , that they did not know what was going on and how it could escalate .
11 If the former , then consumers have money in their bank accounts or pockets that they do not know what to do with and may therefore not mind increased taxation to pay for schools , hospitals , and the social services .
12 They may refuse to respond , on the grounds that they do not know what tiv means ( see Carey , 1978 ) ; they may ask what tiv means , and having been told to guess , offer a response ; or they may select a response without querying tiv .
13 That they do not know what you seek as well as your intention of rooting out any trace of an ancient order .
14 Nor can teachers any longer be allowed to say that they do not know what will be required of their pupils three , six or eight years later .
15 JOHN SMITH is preparing to launch the biggest tax assault ever on middle income families while claiming that he does not know what the effect of his tax hike will be on incentives , confidence or on the economy .
16 I shouted that he did not know what he was talking about and held the telephone away from my face .
17 Charles stated that he did not know what was to take place , and would not have entered St Peter 's basilica if he had known .
18 With his junior staff loyally taking the blame and trying to pretend he knew nothing about it ( despite his signature on the 17 January presidential order ) , Reagan began to believe he had known nothing about it and it is possible that he did not know what he was signing .
19 Before long , through unobtrusive questioning , he had discovered the root of the boy 's fear — simply that he did not know what was going to be done to him .
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