Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] up " in BNC.

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1 I do n't agree with the theory that my becoming emotionally charged up by the relay affair affected my running in the 100 metres .
2 Erm what 's the other thing , Yeah the place that I 've just picked up erm a part time job , has said I can record as much as I want there .
3 that I 've just picked up off the here .
4 All of this was already mapped out in a very decent and proper piece of research that I had just written up .
5 I would remind Ben that I put up To Bolt or Not To Be , a widely recognised 8b/c , in November 1986 ; that I have since climbed more than 20 routes of this level or more ; that I repeated the roof at Volx fairly easily in 1990 ; and that I have since put up two more 8cs — Huevos in 1991 and Macoumba Club recently at Orgon — in addition to Just Do It .
6 She said that she had nearly given up the idea , but ‘ every time she met a cripple her conscience smote her ’ .
7 Alyssia smiled back and wondered whether she should pretend that she had somehow ended up at the wrong address .
8 Daniel had explained to her that he liked very simple food that he could eat with one hand , because of his inability to eat without reading , and so , for supper his first night , she had brought him scrambled egg on a piece of toast that she had already cut up into precise and helpful squares .
9 Finding no way other than the direct question , he put it , and watched Yeo , unruffled , confirm that she had indeed put up £100,000 .
10 And on the second count , now that she 'd virtually made up her mind to visit the warehouse tonight , did she really want to discover the truth , after all … ?
11 Were you surprised how soon you got into the RSC — and that you have now ended up after only just over a year and a half in the profession playing Juliet and Hermia ?
12 So I think the seminar itself was n't giving you much new stuff , it was stuff that we 've already picked up in the course .
13 right , and its only the last couple of weeks that we 've really picked up
14 In addition to the improved information and guidance systems that we have already set up , there will be much more flexible opening hours in the case of tax offices , benefits offices and employment service offices , and a much more detailed and personal service for the taxpayer , who has the cost of those services compulsorily extracted in taxes from his or her pocket .
15 It is entirely coincidence that we have now given up pies for Lent .
16 Well I think er yeah I definitely have to agree with you that we 're not hearing enough of them but I suppose more and more now people are starting to record you know a little bit more of the older stuff and I think what 's happened on the pop scene that they 've absolutely dried up as regards er creating new music you know and people are going into computerized music now and you know everything is played on the one machine and it 's getting like a er I do n't know it 's as as if you do n't really have to be a musician any more .
17 He kept forgetting they would write it down : he seems to have thought — most of the time — that they had just turned up for a friendly drink .
18 LOOP have ended two years of speculation by announcing that they have definitely split up .
19 If the bat 's brain hears an echo from another bat 's cry , and attempts to incorporate it into the picture of the world that it has previously built up , it will make no sense .
20 There was a silver cigarette lighter in the desk drawer , he remembered , rarely used now that he 'd almost given up .
21 It was much more , he thought as he moved the boiling pan off the stove and on to the floor , trying to ignore the unholy smell of bleach that came off it as it sloshed against the sides of the vessel , that he had simply woken up one morning and realized , to use a phrase a friend had used about someone else 's wife , ‘ what he had got hold of ’ .
22 All he knew was that he had always woken up with a splitting headache afterwards , and often wished he 'd had the headache instead the night before .
23 ‘ Mr. Green finding it industriously circulated that he has entirely given up his intention of completing his survey , conceives himself for the liberal patronage he has experienced under the obligation of informing his subscribers that so far from relinquishing it , the Plan is three fourths finished , and that he intends laying aside all his other occupations to appropriate the ensuing half-year , from Christmas to midsummer , solely to that work , about which time , as part of it will very early in spring be put into the hands of able engravers , he hopes to complete it .
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