Example sentences of "[that] [adj] can be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Characteristically he uses the imagery of song to point to the highest kind of contemplative experience of God : The Form unfolds a process of definition which comes full circle back to its beginning so that that can be understood in a new way : the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time .
2 that is , that is what , that is what exists to do , or one of the things that exists to do as the U K sales company our business is to give the projections for a particular piece of business , and if we see any other similar bits of business around it that 's fine , that 's , that needs to be added to it , but to give our vision of that particular piece of business , feed that into the marketing people in , and say , look , this is the situation if we go this way , this is what we think is going to happen , if we do this , this is going to happen , if we do n't do this , this is what 's going to happen , so that that can be fed into an overall picture , and they will come back , I presume , and say , right , we now have enough information to know that it 's going to be worth =vesting , investing in production of sixteen double O fours in er Peter .
3 that that can be seen from er the bungalow almost directly opposite , and er it 's almost a traditional requirement that they ask for steep pitches .
4 This confirms that Oct-11 can be expressed within the same cell type as Oct-2 and that Oct-11 is abundantly expressed in the P3/NS1/1-Ag4.1 cell line and its two hybridoma derivatives MR26/8cC11/E6/C12 and 2MR/47/A/D4/H1 .
5 This in itself gives strength to the contention that neither can be based on beliefs of real substance .
6 Where parent and child genuinely fall in love , as is sometimes the case , it would seem that little can be done save control by law .
7 They show that little can be done for , which is not done with the people .
8 So little archaeological research has been conducted on the ‘ foreign ’ goods from excavations on town sites goods like querns , hones , and pottery — that little can be said for activities at markets and fairs in the Middle
9 His account of the common dolphin , written nearly 2500 years ago , is so thorough that little can be added to it even today .
10 Theories of gender and education have , to some extent , mirrored those on class and education : there are those who believe that inequality is caused by the differential socialization of girls and boys ( in a sense , that girls are ‘ culturally deprived ’ ) and that this can be overcome through removing prejudice ; there are also those ( e.g. Spender 1982 ; Mahony 1985 ) who believe that schools both reflect and reproduce patriarchal relations .
11 It is certainly not the case that this can be discerned in the work of all the nouveaux romanciers at the same time ; however , that such a development did indeed take place suggests that a new poetics was being tacitly formulated .
12 Helen to be contacted and asked for the plinth so that this can be completed before this years event .
13 Depending on the expert and the case you may need to do all or any of the following : summarise the facts of the case and the legal issues ; ask specific questions and indicate their legal significance ; ask whether any further evidence is likely to be available , so that this can be sought on discovery ; and whether any further enquiries , tests or reports are necessary .
14 First we may consider the phrase : ( 25 ) acrobatic performance In the light of the discussion above we may remark that this can be understood in either of two ways : first , as covering any performance which is so described because it is linked with the idea of an acrobat in the execution of his or her professional duties ; this would include expertise in juggling , tightrope walking , standing on one 's hands , and so on , even if they are performed by an amateur lacking any natural talent for the task ; second , ( 25 ) may be used to designate any performance which is acrobatic in itself , even if not part of the normal repertoire of acrobats , for instance , grabbing hold of a branch growing out from a cliff just after falling from the top .
15 With both types there often needs to be an offset ( or swan neck ) , to connect the outlet to the top of the downpipe , so that this can be positioned against the wall .
16 Just the fact that this can be achieved at less than £10,000 for a complete system is rather likely to upset anyone who has invested hundreds of thousands in ‘ Third Wave ’ systems and discovers that , for a tenth the cost they could actually achieve rather more .
17 More radical moves to reform the NHS are based on a belief that individuals should take more responsibility for their health care and that this can be achieved by extending the choice of different suppliers of medical services .
18 It is to be hoped that this can be applied to other similar situations of deadlock .
19 Suppose that an individual has to put up 100 per cent margin ( i.e. has to pay the full amount of the investment Pf from the start ) but that this can be invested at the riskless rate r .
20 We know that this can be done at about 12 months of age and in future it is quite possible that farmers will use these measurements in selecting their bulling heifers . ’
21 Of course refineries can be modified or adjusted to produce the necessary product range given time , but the idea that this can be done to every refinery simultaneously and instantaneously is ludicrous .
22 We shall see that this can be done by using a suitable generalisation of the single-objective criterion that the objective row coefficients should be non-negative .
23 We are suggesting , in effect , that this can be used as a kind of litmus test of appropriateness against which professional approaches can be measured .
24 I would however hope that this can be organised within two to three weeks .
25 Maitland to be asked to circulate a copy of the draft Minute of Agreement to Christian Aid and SCIAF before the next meeting so that this can be looked at .
26 But here too , room for manoeuvre is limited : the long-term nature of most major weapon programmes is such that few can be brought to a successful conclusion in much less than a decade , and in some cases even longer .
27 Therefore , the EC has sought to develop a policy designed to secure the benefits that arise from a competitive market , since as national barriers to inter-state competition are removed there is a danger that these can be replaced by privately erected barriers .
28 You must of course deal with the odd letters of criticism , but I trust that these can be viewed in proportion to those ( probably thousands ) of satisfied members , who are nevertheless unlikely to write in every month to say so .
29 In addition , an exercise test performed periodically should be able to detect the development of new coronary lesions , so that these can be acted upon at an early stage , either by angioplasty or by coronary artery bypass grafting if this is appropriate .
30 The model assumes that managers can specify their information requirements and that these can be predicted by the information system .
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