Example sentences of "[that] [adj] [was/were] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although Wheeler was never particularly interested in Roman pottery , he demonstrated the way it could be used to date construc-tional sequences on the Welsh forts , and it is unfortunate that this was not developed in his work at Verulamium , where what must have been a very small proportion of the pottery was published in the Report of 1936 ( Wheeler and Wheeler , 1936 ) .
2 The Federal Constitutional Court ruled on April 23 that landowners and industrialists whose property was expropriated during the Soviet occupation of eastern Germany in 1945-49 did not have a right to its return , and that this was not counter to clauses in the federal Constitution on the right to property and equal treatment before the law .
3 Melanie saw , with a sinking of the heart , that this was not written into the script .
4 In response to an appeal by the Union des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Niger ( USTN ) on May Day 1990 for the introduction of a multiparty system , Mamadou Dagra , the Minister of Civil Service and Labour , said that this was not excluded by Niger 's current political system , but it was an issue which should not be pursued with haste .
5 Twice they were denied penalties for handball , one in each half , and when Colin Johnson hit the upright 16 minutes from time , it looked more and more obvious that this was not going to be their day .
6 Nevertheless , it would seem that this was not considered to be a significant proportion .
7 One was tempted to applaud such spontaneous wit , but serious faces all around showed that this was not meant in jest .
8 up until then I still was n't too worried , but I think then it started to dawn on me that this was n't going to be much fun and I felt a bit scared .
9 It was said that these were not made for Blackpool , but for another buyer .
10 However , students attention should be drawn to the fact that these were not sold in the closing down sale so open market value may not be appropriate even if it could be established .
11 However , they clung on to a victory which served to rekindle hopes among the travelling support that all was not lost after all in the title race , especially after news leaked through of Rangers ' demise at Celtic Park .
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