Example sentences of "[not/n't] so [adj] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They are not so appealing that I relish the idea of seeing them again , ’ Murtach retorted .
2 if you remember the question that the founding fathers faced was how do you create a government which is strong enough to endure and to defend the nation and defend the country yet a government which is not so strong that it erodes the rights of individuals within it , this is the , the essence of the , the problem of government as , as the founding fathers saw it .
3 I 'm er I 'm pretty clear what 's expected of me but not so certain that I know how to make it sufficiently interesting to achieve your undivided attention .
4 I 'm I 'm not so sure that he knew he was known as the last resort .
5 Yet not so rotten that it had obscured the carved initials at the base of the grip .
6 The pain was intense , gripping her with its cruel talons , biting deep , but not so deep that it wiped out the sudden rush of anger she felt at his blind stubbornness .
7 Apparently it is a big cut , but not so deep that it has done any irrevocable damage , at least that 's the impression I got .
8 What is remarkable about the text-books ( which describe the chemical structure of the various chains in loving detail ) is not so much that they do not explain the discrepancy but that they do not even notice it ; nor are they apparently interested in the fact that the work of fracture for a material like Polythene or Nylon is at least a hundred times higher than it is for most of the thermosetting plastics .
9 It 's not so much that they undersell themselves in the UK , but they have to really pull their fingers out in the US .
10 It was not so much that she took things from the house — though his racial fear of the poorhouse or famine was deep — but that she left the house at all .
11 It was not so much that she distrusted banks as the bother for the visit .
12 It was not so much that she did not trust him as that she had been inhibited by her clerical superiors , Gilbert included .
13 As you pick up the flesh , squeeze it and apply as much pressure as you can tolerate , but not so much that you bruise the area .
14 And often , says Penny Mansfield , it 's not so much that he falls in love with another woman but he 's at a stage in life where he wants some diversion .
15 It was not so much that he had anything against people in general , more that he saw no purpose in deliberately setting up occasions on which you stood around trying to think of something to say .
16 Constant change was worse still ; in the words of one satirist , the scandal of the player was not so much that he disguised his real self in playing ; rather he had no self apart from that which he was playing : ‘ The Statute hath done wisely to acknowledge him a Rogue and errant , tor his chiefe essence is , A daily Counterfeit …
17 There was some smoke there but not so much that he required to use his goggles .
18 The amazing thing about this second ‘ Carry On ’ was not so much that it succeeded at all , but that it outgrossed the first in the series .
19 Not all the people who have been called structuralists have been happy to accept the label , but this suggests not so much that it has been over-enthusiastically applied , but that far from being a school or a doctrine , structuralism is indeed a generalized revolution in ways of thinking .
20 One important part of the citizens charter is not so much that it contains many individual ideas and proposals for change , but that it is intended to change the entire attitude of public servants and the way in which citizens approach them .
21 where branches are silouetted against the colours of the sunset they must be rich and strong enough to help intensify the sense of the light coming through then , but not so rich that they seem to close , or start to compete with the same thing happening in the ripples that form their reflection .
22 Emotions towards the skipper must be mixed : his runs are obviously needed , but not so many that he presents an unanswerable case for a Test recall .
23 I am not so thick-brained that I did n't get the memo . ’
24 And that piece of undeniable truth was , perhaps , a mistake , too , for Dr Neil was not so drunk that he did not ask , without a pause , ‘ And what happened to them , McAllister , when you lost your parents and your fortune ? ’
25 Then there are the film adaptations since 1950 , almost all of them missed opportunities , and the fluctuating fortunes of the plays in the theatre , of which Holroyd provides a compact summary — though not so compact that he does not find room for such items as a musical version of Antony and Cleopatra called Her First Roman , which opened ( and closed ) in Boston in the late Sixties .
26 This large display ( right ) in a cool , fresh , green and white colour scheme , provides a central focal point for the table , but it is not so large that it obscures the guests ' view .
27 But , of course , having hit on the attention-grabbing murder , bizarre but not so bizarre that you risk spluttering giggles instead of riveting attention , you have to account for how your curious event came about .
28 The binoculars should be powerful enough for you to see what you want but not so bulky that you find them too heavy and awkward to hold for any length of time .
29 I thought the Sex stuff was a bit weird but not so weird that I did n't want to get involved with it .
30 These two combines were strong enough to focus filmmakers ' creative and entrepreneurial energies , but not so dominant that they crushed out other centres of initiative .
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