Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [vb pp] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Strathclyde university report stated : ’ The idea of a mature tobacco market ’ — that means a market which can not expand any further ’ can not be supported the key group for the tobacco industry is young smokers .
2 If Blake could not be exchanged the only alternative was to get him out of prison .
3 A dog that gains a third prize is a dog that lacks quality and is not perfect in construction , but one that still can not be called a poor specimen .
4 Could it not be said the overwhelming factor of modern life is the apathy amongst the majority of its members , which should engender concern regarding the way government is designed ?
5 This lexicon should not be seen a static repository of data .
6 Yesterday , the Soviet Union blamed Britain for the cancellation of a visit by a human rights delegation , saying British officials insisted on sending Mr Michael Bourdeaux of Keston College — someone they knew would not be given a Soviet visa .
7 In other words , his argument might be seen as an attempt to confront the common sense with the disconcerting fact that references to what are assumed to be numerically identical spatio-temporal particulars inhabiting an objective world " out there " can not be given a satisfactory justification , and consequently that one can not claim with certainty that such particulars represent the basic material of which the world is made up .
8 Such is the fluid nature of the Hindu syncretism that the unifying power behind the gods can not be given a single name .
9 They may define positions that have often been repeated , but they can not be given a timeless quality .
10 Were it not for the support of sympathetic friends , the residents in our Homes and those who work in our factory could not be given the necessary help and encouragement to overcome their handicap , for we are dependent on voluntary help .
11 A regulatory body will have to be empowered by law to administer the new rules ; however , since the proposed Directive allows the regulatory authority to delegate its powers to a private body , there is no reason why the Panel in its present form should not be given the necessary authority with the result that changes in day-to-day practice may prove to be minimal .
12 This meant that after thirty years had elapsed the original owner could no longer claim back the property , while the factual possessor could not be designated the proper owner .
13 There could not be devised a sophisticated society in which there was no competition for ‘ jobs at the top ’ .
14 This present position should not be accorded a psychological fixity , which is somehow removed from the fluidity of historical development .
15 It can not be proved the virgin birth happened .
16 GRAHAM Taylor will not be offered a new contract by the FA — unless he leads England to a successful World Cup .
17 Her second visit could not be accounted a complete success , though we were much more intimate than before , and wept a lot together about the baby .
18 The Severn could not be considered a complete failure , however , for from it was developed the very successful Saro A.27 London flying-boat .
19 The HGT-1 cell line was isolated from a human gastric adenocarcinoma , and can not be considered a complete model for the parietal cell as it does not secrete hydrochloric acid .
20 It would not be considered a serious loss by the company and the financial gain to the robbers was not necessarily substantial .
21 However , an environment in which people can not sleep adequately because of excessive noise can not be considered a safe environment .
22 Adverse meteorological conditions should not be considered the fundamental cause of smogs since high concentrations of pollution would not arise unless the general level or baseline of pollution in the urban atmosphere was relatively high anyway : there is a limit to the peak pollution value that the atmosphere can produce .
23 The alternative of using a fully trained adviser as receptionist would probably not be considered an efficient use of staff .
24 As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented , these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal mortality .
25 The history of the medical management of neural tube defects indicates that developmental abnormalities should not be considered an irreducible component of human disease .
26 Where a programme calls for aerobic work , weight training should not be considered an aerobic exercise .
27 Police have warned that despite last nights events , car thieves will not be allowed a free ride in the Oxford area .
28 Of course the parallel between ontogeny and phylogeny can not be carried the whole way through — prehistoric human beings did not look like newborn babies — but there are various reasons why we might expect the early stages of embryonic development to have some relation to the early stages of our evolution .
29 You wo n't be given a great deal of feedback in that session , just enough to get you going .
30 There 's almost nothing either of us can say that ca n't be taken the wrong way , with a bit of imagination .
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