Example sentences of "[not/n't] so much that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What is remarkable about the text-books ( which describe the chemical structure of the various chains in loving detail ) is not so much that they do not explain the discrepancy but that they do not even notice it ; nor are they apparently interested in the fact that the work of fracture for a material like Polythene or Nylon is at least a hundred times higher than it is for most of the thermosetting plastics .
2 It 's not so much that they undersell themselves in the UK , but they have to really pull their fingers out in the US .
3 It was not so much that she took things from the house — though his racial fear of the poorhouse or famine was deep — but that she left the house at all .
4 It was not so much that she distrusted banks as the bother for the visit .
5 It was not so much that she did not trust him as that she had been inhibited by her clerical superiors , Gilbert included .
6 As you pick up the flesh , squeeze it and apply as much pressure as you can tolerate , but not so much that you bruise the area .
7 And often , says Penny Mansfield , it 's not so much that he falls in love with another woman but he 's at a stage in life where he wants some diversion .
8 It was not so much that he had anything against people in general , more that he saw no purpose in deliberately setting up occasions on which you stood around trying to think of something to say .
9 Constant change was worse still ; in the words of one satirist , the scandal of the player was not so much that he disguised his real self in playing ; rather he had no self apart from that which he was playing : ‘ The Statute hath done wisely to acknowledge him a Rogue and errant , tor his chiefe essence is , A daily Counterfeit …
10 There was some smoke there but not so much that he required to use his goggles .
11 The amazing thing about this second ‘ Carry On ’ was not so much that it succeeded at all , but that it outgrossed the first in the series .
12 Not all the people who have been called structuralists have been happy to accept the label , but this suggests not so much that it has been over-enthusiastically applied , but that far from being a school or a doctrine , structuralism is indeed a generalized revolution in ways of thinking .
13 One important part of the citizens charter is not so much that it contains many individual ideas and proposals for change , but that it is intended to change the entire attitude of public servants and the way in which citizens approach them .
14 ‘ What saddened me about the reviews , ’ said Crawford , ‘ was n't so much that they had a go at the play , but they did n't recognise all the work done for me by the rest of the team .
15 It was n't so much that he had confirmed her fears , it was his tone she found infuriating .
16 It was n't so much that she looked old and wrinkled ( if you could discount the gleaming white halo of hair ) since her complexion was as smooth and pink as an infant 's .
17 ‘ Perhaps it was n't so much that she wanted to leave home .
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