Example sentences of "[not/n't] be used [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is really little point in scolding the puppy at this stage , especially if it has not been used to the big outdoors before .
2 Although all three techniques have been used in the past , they have not been used as the prime form of monetary policy .
3 However , for reasons previously stated these have not been used in the present design .
4 Additional scat samples were obtained from captive mongooses and genets in London Zoo in order to compare the degrees of digestion , but the samples from the captive animals have not been used in the statistical comparisons .
5 He was worried about the enormous expense involved , and he asked whether St James 's Palace , now empty , could not be used for the Foreign Office .
6 The notion of shared space ‘ may be acceptable ’ for short loops or culs-de sac , but a ‘ cautious approach ’ is advised : for example , such layouts are said to need segregated play space so that the road will not be used as the main location for play .
7 However , the coefficients of this model are unknown , and so it can not be used in the empirical investigation of the risk premium .
8 So , if someone 's playing games well whatever games they are please stop it there are people , human beings involved here who should not be used in the political fashion that 's being used .
9 In contrast , the to infinitive could not be used in the following two sentences , where reference is made to nonce happenings : ( 119 ) I never knew anyone do so much in so short a time .
10 Krystom can not be used in the same way as traditional nylon line .
11 Can not be used within the same intervention .
12 demisters , di demisters , windscreen wipers and washers , keep windscreens , windows , lights , direction heaters , reflectors and mirrors and number plates clean and clear , do not drive with the defect upon suitable exhaust system , if L plates have been fitted , remove or covering , when the vehicle is not being used with the driving instruction or practice .
13 There are many problems associated with the use of teaching accommodation that are probably not unique to Oxford Polytechnic : for example , bunching of teaching in the middle of the week with under-use of rooms on Monday and Friday , and rooms not being used at the booked times .
14 One participant argued that it had potential , but that that potential was not being used to the full .
15 Mm yes , erm since the home office secretary 's initiative it 's progressing quite well , with interest from certainly Bassett , Newark Stanton on the Wolds Tollerton and some other of the rural Coldfield areas were interested in going forward , Bassett looked very very interested , we went to a meeting last night , eighteen parish councils were represented , er Beckingham is going to be the first one , they 've got a special that lives there who 's gon na take up the work , Superintendent came down last night to do a circular of em a questionnaire around the village and parish to get find out what people want , and then go and see what the specials able to provide and meet the two together and get some sort of contractive agreement , he 'll work from the police house there , he 'll have access to the car , when it 's not being used by the rural officer , also his radio .
16 It seems to me that , if we are spending £3 million on training someone to fly a fast jet and if , when he leaves the force — there are a lot of people leaving before their time is up — he is not being used in the reserve forces , that is a tremendous waste of a national resource .
17 The one punchcard accessory that ca n't be used with the electronic is the punchcard lace carriage .
18 Well you ca n't use that method , and indeed radar ca n't be used outside the solar system .
19 Erm the erm th this shows Britain 's stockpile of , of uranium this is actually depleted uranium which can be used in the fast reactor but ca n't be used in the present type of er thermal reactors but what you see there is virtually the er all of it , th it 's , it 's erm stored at a place called erm er Capenhurst in , in Cheshire on the Wirral erm and erm there 's a few jars off the edge as you can see but basically that 's er that 's it and what you see there , in energy terms , represents erm the equivalent of our entire coal reserves .
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