Example sentences of "[not/n't] be [adj] [conj] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He had certainly not been confident when he arrived in Augusta and in the end his suspicions about his form were confirmed .
2 She had not known that Scathach had known , not been aware that he had seen .
3 She had not told her son to keep away from the course because she had not been aware that he had gone that way .
4 I can not be sure that he noticed all that , but he stared at it for a long time , getting down on his hands .
5 For a moment he thought that a sprinkling of light fell wherever Fael-Inis walked , but as it touched the floor it vanished , and he could not be sure that he had seen it at all .
6 Bound up with the question of compliance with specification is the question of acceptance , since , until the goods have been accepted by the buyer , the seller can not be sure that he has discharged his basic liability to perform the contract , even if he has delivered the goods to the buyer .
7 By March he was out again , and back at his office in Faber and Faber , although he was prudent enough to retire to bed early in the evening : with a complaint which had no organic cause , he could not be certain that he had been cured " .
8 If he does make another comeback though , it would not be surprising if he wins a fourth title because , if he can get back behind a wheel six weeks after being so close to death , there is no knowing what the courageous Austrian can do .
9 At the back of my mind , perhaps , was a kind of childish vanity : there is a lot of dull , humdrum work to be done in local politics and I felt Richard would not be impressed if he knew I was abandoning him three nights a week in order to address envelopes or collect jumble .
10 Does this show that the father would not be neutral if he remained aloof from the quarrel ?
11 if he had been chasing his flying tent up from the machair on the west of the island , he might have got up as far as the bogland near the lochan , but surely the light from my cottage would not be visible until he had followed the road downhill past the curve and almost into Otters ' Bay .
12 He also agreed that he once claimed surfing was better than sex , and had said he could not be gay because he went surfing , which he considered a largely heterosexual sport .
13 He also agreed that he once claimed surfing was better than sex , and had said he could not be gay because he went surfing , which he considered a largely heterosexual sport .
14 Slater had been invited , and had persuaded Graham he would not be gate-crashing if he came along too .
15 And the story that I heard which may not be true that he had he did n't have the wig and gown .
16 ‘ You must not be surprised if 'e choose to ignore you , choupette , ’ said Madame when Ellie next visited her .
17 Not a bit of it — do not know if W. J. Jakimiuk who was responsible for the Chipmunk 's lovely qualities also devised the Beaver 's agile handling , but I should not be surprised if he did , for it flies like a smaller aeroplane , with light forces and a roll-rate much better than that long high-aspect-ratio wing might suggest .
18 On the other hand , the defendant should not be liable where he inflicts injury before or during intercourse but without that aim in view .
19 Again , John could not be precise but he had the impression that three separate Kamalian squads were being briefed to hit targets in the UK .
20 He walked quickly down the road and then it was something about him not being late cos he had to a contract .
21 Jesus was not being poetic when he described the Evil One as ‘ the father of lies ’ .
22 Sharon , who works at a miniature models factory in Wrexham , said : ‘ I have been teasing him for about two weeks for not being romantic but he has shown me I was wrong .
23 Sharon , who works at a miniature models factory in Wrexham , said : ‘ I have been teasing him for about two weeks for not being romantic but he has shown me I was wrong .
24 " Dinner 's getting cold , " she murmured , smiling at his startled reaction ; he had n't been aware that he 'd been staring .
25 Victor wo n't be pleased if he hears about this .
26 I said that they must n't be sad because he had , after all , crammed so much into his short life , that his parties had given enormous pleasure to so many people , that Conor was the sort of person Jack Kerouac might have loved , he was one of the ones who are mad to live , desirous of everything at the same time , ‘ the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing , but burn , burn , burn , like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars ’ .
27 Though if Jimmy had got it right — and his sources were normally very reliable — and Mr Massingham was indeed going to be one of their number , then she would n't be surprised if he had already arrived .
28 I would n't be surprised if he does .
29 So you probably I would n't be surprised if he puts colours in the
30 Well , he would n't be natural if he did n't .
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