Example sentences of "[that] when [pron] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 unnamed that is not true and I do agree with Mr that when we make a decision to close some homes that they should be named to avoid the terrible indecision which exists at the moment .
2 I take the view myself that when one has a person in advancing years , in some respects an impairment of movement may perhaps be more serious than it is with a younger person .
3 Many people do not appreciate that when they pay a cheque into their Current Account which is drawn on a Midland branch other than that at which their account is kept , or another bank , we do not receive the money straight away .
4 It means that when they have a tip off that devil worshippers are slaughtering animals , they have to wait until the animal is ill treated before they can act .
5 I 'll have a look , but I 've had him doing actual words , like first words er , you know erm , Ben and large and in and out and just the , the easy words and Luke and his own name , so he is already got the idea that when you write a letter you ca n't just write any letter , you 've got to make letters say something either as erm , as an alphabet or in the form of words , so of course she says to , would you all like to write me a sentence , well he 's already passed that stage , he thinks himself well I ca n't write a sentence , what he knows as a sentence consists of words that make sense , so they 're all sitting there going a N , N , N , Q , R , S , N , T , T , and they 're saying a sentence like I went to the shops with my nanny , well Alex has already passed that stage , he knows that that is n't sensible , so he must of turned to her and he said , I ca n't write like that , my mummy will shout at me
6 As Representative Mo Udall has colourfully put it , ‘ It used to be that when you met a chairman in the hall you bowed low and said , hello Mr Chairman ; now when you meet a chairman in the hall he bows low . ’
7 You will learn that when you get a bit older , my girl . ’
8 Yeah , but not only that when you get a couple of dickheads like we had
9 Enthusiasts however , may have to be gently discouraged from making too many demands on your time and that when you ask a question you are not automatically expecting any action .
10 They show a girl who failed to understand that when you marry a man , you also marry his family and in this case a family uniquely different from any other .
11 And I just have to go to or I just have to sort of explain that when you pack a van , you do n't pack it like the advert for KitKat .
12 So that when you re-issue a procedure you , it 's clear .
13 ‘ The truth is , ’ Rosa began , in her most teacherly tones , ‘ that when you want a man , and you look around and you ca n't see the one you like , you go into the kitchen , and you take a pound of the whitest flour , a pound of the whitest sugar , a pound of the most refined fat you have , and a flask of rosewater and a handful of raisins , another of currants , half a pound of almonds ground to paste , a squeeze of lemon-juice , a pinch of cinnamon and a sprinkle of powdered clove .
14 Stanley Spencer said that when you paint a face , it 's like crawling across the landscape of that face .
15 ‘ The fact that when you have a claim you can phone up and talk to us straight away , and we will give you advice on what to do , is important too .
16 TWO MEMBERS of staff at Lincoln Turbine Service Ltd , Aberdeen , who wish to remain anonymous , are convinced that when you enter a company car , you enter the twilight zone .
17 The sad thing is that when you see a horse that is frightened of doing things or is nasty , you can often see where its willingness to please and its trust were abused as a youngster .
18 And I realized that when you record a song it 's not yours anymore , it has a life of its own .
19 I am confident that when I recommend a constituent to see UKIAS he or she will be dealt with in an entirely independent and completely honourable and decent manner .
20 I used to do all sorts of other jobs to keep going — I used to be so confident that work was round the corner that when I became a cellarman in a wine shop , I said to my family , ‘ Of course , I 'll only be here for a week or two , you know , ’ and a year later I was still there .
21 Oh I accept there is obviously concern and I will try and meet that when I introduce a package of measures at the end of November in the normal uprating statement to help those on lowest incomes who are affected by this .
22 Q I would like to be able to make a neckline that looks neat , so that when I do a neckband and fold it to the inside , the actual neckline looks good .
23 For example , one director commented that when he saw a topic referred to a few times then it would ‘ click ’ in his mind , and he would then consider if it could have some significance to his company .
24 When he was on the field , chairs were placed at regular intervals along each touchline so that when he made a break on the wing , he had plenty of opportunity to rest before continuing his blistering run .
25 It was fitting , therefore , that when he became a reader in 1968 it was in modern French history .
26 Neil , Neil now says , that when he meets a girl , he , he waits to see if she 's got any characteristics in common with the dreadful Vicky , the girl that he eventually fetch her much deserved slosh on the chops and was pulled into Ipswich Magistrates Court , you know , oh I should n't laugh , but erm , he says he looks for those characteristics , and the moment he sees that the girl is going to be this sort of neurotic , excitable , hysterical creature he walks away .
27 He was 128th in driving accuracy , 180th in sand saves , 192nd , which is to say dead last , in sub-par holes ( percentage of eagles and birdies ) , 191st ( or second-to-last ) in scoring average , dead last in both putting on the few greens he hit in regulation and in total putts ( which means that when he missed a green , he seldom got it up and down ) , and dead last again in shooting birdies on par-3s , par-4s and par-5s .
28 Jo 's lesbianism is also important to the way she dresses ; she does n't want to look what she calls ‘ too femme ’ , and says that when she wears a skirt she gets a lot more hassle from men .
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