Example sentences of "[that] she [vb past] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She so wanted grandparents , that she appealed for a couple in the local paper to act as adopted granny and grandad .
2 Ven made no move to detain her , not that she had for a second considered that he might .
3 You had the feeling , when you pictured her , that she looked like a boy more than a woman .
4 Charles had time to register that she looked like a dinky toilet-roll cover before his head caught up with him .
5 These purchases were made despite what Hall describes as her ‘ antipathy for the firm ’ , aggravated by the fact that a Guardi which Berenson had offered to her was sold to another client , and that she learnt of a discrepancy between the price she paid for two Holbeins and the monies paid to the owners , the Pole-Carews .
6 The debate as to whether this institutional framework exercised a determining ( ideological ) influence on film output has been an ongoing one , but the importance of Claire Johnston 's contribution to it in the mid seventies is that she argued for a reading of Hollywood entertainment films which made a space for ‘ collective fantasies of women 's desire ’ .
7 The sorrow , the loneliness , the confusion disappeared with the taste of his lips on hers , with the hunger that communicated through his kiss , so that she burned with a desire unlike anything she had ever felt before .
8 What is known about Jane is that she lived in a cellar in Wisbech , earning her living by reaping in the fields in the summer and spinning wool and flax in the winter .
9 A JURY in Los Angeles yesterday ordered the actress Kim Basinger to pay Main Line Pictures $8.9 million , ( around £6 million ) finding that she reneged on a contract to play the leading role in the film Boxing Helena .
10 It was as she was passing through the drawing-room that she paused for a moment to glance round admiringly at the décor .
11 She should remember that she went with a man when she was sixteen .
12 The Irish star , who as a child was battered by her mother , revealed that she went to a psychiatrist to sort out her problems .
13 He theorized that she went into a shop and lashed out a bob or two on something like a tin of baked beans .
14 However , now that the papers had been reporting the recent news of her husband 's return from Australia — apparently determined to impress his name and tough personality on the City of London — it was obviously about time that she came to a decision about her future .
15 He would not have liked to guess her age , had never seen her in anything other than half-light , and knew nothing about her beyond the fact that she came from a village to the north which she had told him , stood in the shadow of the pyramid of Saqqara .
16 She was of course aware that she came from a Catholic to a barely Protestant country in a state of intense flux and religious upheaval ; her new subjects presented her with a set of pressing confessional and political problems .
17 Her sturdy common sense , the downright attitude to life which never ceased to surprise him , the constant loving references to a papa and a mama who sounded remarkably practical themselves , even if they had spoiled their beautiful daughter , informed him that she came from a background very unlike any that Dr Neil had ever encountered .
18 Sometime she felt so fond of him that she inclined to a belief in reincarnation , feeling that they must once have been twins : she understood him far too well for her peace of mind , and she knew why her brothers detested him ; apart from the fact that they were racists , they were baffled by his charm and his after-shave .
19 ‘ You were probably told that she died of a heart attack — but she did n't .
20 Luke told me that she died in a car accident some time ago .
21 It was not until she was in the sitting room , leaning forward to put her precious parcel on a table , that she realized with a flash of panic that she was not alone .
22 The question was so silkily inserted that she drew in a breath .
23 Questions poured towards the chair , and Mrs Murphy banged her gavel so hard on the coffee table that it left a mark , which distressed her so much that she forgot for a moment why she was hammering and stared sadly at the dent in the wood .
24 These include allegations that she was unfit through drink while acting as duty officer in charge of the force on July 24 , 1990 ; that she swam in a pool with a male officer while dressed only in her underwear ; and that she later shared a jacuzzi with the same officer .
25 She fielded two blows , then felt her left arm cut as Morthen struck swiftly , savagely ; then her left leg , so that she collapsed in a heap , struck three times on the left side of her body , bleeding , left to die .
26 I was too far away to observe what colour Enid Starkie 's eyes were ; all I remember of her is that she dressed like a matelot , walked like a scrum-half , and had an atrocious French accent .
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