Example sentences of "[that] she [verb] [adv] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was true that she worried more about her mother now she was living near by than she had when she was living in the Tuscan hills , but that might only be because of the possibility that she would call without warning .
2 I heard that she lost one baby as well , and I do know that she suffered badly with her legs , varicose veins , I believe .
3 When she 'd finished she got her bag and anorak , checking that she had enough in her purse for bus fare , and let herself out the kitchen door .
4 It was n't that she looked forward to them exactly , but the fury he 'd used to generate was gone .
5 She held out her hand , and as he took it , he took off his glasses , so that she looked directly into his dark eyes , realising with a start that they were very beautiful and rather disconcerting .
6 Oh , dear heavens , had Naylor , by seeing she was hurt , seen too that she cared deeply for him ?
7 From the beginning she had never tried to pretend that she was in love , although she was very fond of him , and Fred had told her he was happy that she cared enough for him to become his wife .
8 Liz , a 25-year-old single woman , had been living on her own for the previous year in a flat above a small craft shop that she ran together with her mother .
9 The garden 's sole glory was a laburnum , which blossomed wonderfully each year : but even that she associated more with its dry black fatal pods than with its flowers , so often and so rigorously had she been warned of its poison .
10 And she had bloomed and flowered beneath a touch that she sensed deep in her innermost self was not simply skill and experience , but a kind of homage to womanhood .
11 So insistent was the noise that she padded downstairs in her nightshirt and picked up the handset .
12 Burma is fortunate in that she has enough for her own needs , though she was only just able to ensure this during the last harvest .
13 His greatest , his only concern was to ensure that she stayed away from his sister 's husband .
14 Instantly , as if he had somehow thrown an electrical switch , she felt a surge of responsive excitement — so strong and so unexpected that she trembled involuntarily in his embrace .
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