Example sentences of "[that] she [modal v] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With Aquino adamant that she would not stand for a second term , the jostling for position amongst those ambitious to succeed her intensified in late 1990 and early 1991 .
2 Sonia Gandhi , the widow of the assassinated former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi , confirmed on Oct. 12 that she would not stand as a candidate in a by-election scheduled for Nov. 16 in her late husband 's Amethi constituency in the state of Uttar Pradesh .
3 She was not in the least concerned at her mother 's solitary state but knew her to be so recently buffeted by events that she would not cavil at two visiting teenagers , although she had intimated to Sam that if she filled the house with them , she would kill herself .
4 Perhaps to keep herself in countenance she opened her notebook although he knew that she would not refer to it .
5 Then she thought that she would not go at all , that she would stay behind and pretend to be ill .
6 Susan was so frightened of being alone , that she would not go to sleep , in case we left her .
7 But for the moment she resolved that she would not think of the loathsome interview again until she was in Prague .
8 The IDA once again flew in another independent medical expert , Dr Muriel Newhouse of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , who assured the planning inquiry that she would not object to an asbestos dump , such as the one proposed , being sited ‘ at the bottom of her garden ’ .
9 The social worker might hold that the client 's general conduct towards him indicated that she would not object to this action ( implied consent ) ; that he carried out the act in good faith as to its consolatory and therapeutic implication ; or ( perhaps less validly ) that the relationship was sufficiently close to allow a gesture of endearment without sexual implication or threatening content .
10 She had loved him but she knew that she would not come to Grey Friars again .
11 If she is sure that she would not qualify for a supplementary pension and wishes to apply for a rent rebate or allowance , an application form , and the information leaflet There 's Money off your Rent , can be obtained from the local authority Housing Department .
12 She searched my house and got information from my daughter , telling her that I was sick , that I needed help and that she would n't go to the police .
13 That I could get her to do things for me that she would n't do for them .
14 And , going on in the same vein before Fabia could gently state that she would n't dream of going to Czechoslovakia without her , ‘ It 's about a four-hour crossing so you 'll have time for some shut-eye and a rest before … ’
15 He read in her face that she would n't leave under her own steam .
16 Offering up a quick prayer that she would n't bump into any of the other cast members en route , she slipped into the corridor and made her way to Dane 's room , pausing at his door to steel herself as another onrush of nerves all but paralysed her .
17 Asking them to be good so that she would n't get into trouble .
18 Her boast was that she had been dancing at every RAF and American air force station within a 30-mile radius , and that she would n't look at any male with a rank lower than Squadron Leader or the American equivalent .
19 I asked as he began fixing the rear safety straps so that she would n't roll off the seat if he had to brake suddenly .
20 She did not believe that she would ever do it , for she told herself that she was free ; she thought that she would probably end by prolonging , in some way , her present situation , by returning for vacations and for long dead summers .
21 Margot was slow at her schoolwork , and , with little chance of improving , it was hoped that she would eventually emigrate to Palestine with her sister .
22 The girl 's serious little face was delicate , rounded , promising that she would soon flower into at least as striking a beauty as her mother ; in an attempt to make her smile Joseph winked theatrically at her , but this made her draw closer to her mother and she continued to gaze gravely back at him with the curious , unselfconscious eyes of childhood .
23 On the following day , however , after lengthy discussions with Cabinet and other colleagues , she announced that she was withdrawing and that she would accordingly resign as Prime Minister once the new party leader had been elected .
24 The boy had been told unequivocally not to let her off the lead — the riding-school only used the land by grace of its owner and it was a shooting estate — but he hated keeping the dog straining at the lead and knew that she would always come to his call .
25 He had been in the habit , as he left in the mornings , of saying , ‘ Well , I 'm off to work now , ’ until one day , shortly before she deserted , she had , at those words , slammed shut the door of the dishwasher with a crash that shattered a wine glass and shouted at him : she had inquired , without much originality , what he thought she did all day , whether he imagined that cooking and shopping and washing and minding the child was not work , whether he supposed that she would now retire to her bed and lie there sucking chocolate bars and examining her fingernails until he chose to return for dinner .
26 She had never thought that she would ever travel on such a thing , although she could not tell Rose that .
27 And that she would never settle for anything less .
28 On the introduction of a single currency , the preferred outcome of the Delors plan under Stage 3 , she emphasized that she would never suggest to the UK parliament the abolition of the pound sterling , which she described as " the most powerful expression of sovereignty you can possibly have " .
29 Roland watched Maud making noises which he sensed came naturally , and sensed too that she would never make in the Women 's Studies building .
30 She had always sworn to herself that she would never impose on her daughter 's marriage 2. ) but she knows now that she can not possibly decline an invitation to spend the rest of her days at her son-in-law 's house .
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