Example sentences of "[that] they can not be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It is actually a binary , but the two components are so close together that they can not be separated with ordinary telescopes .
2 Furthermore , these circumstances are said to be essentially heterogeneous , so that they can not be seen as aspects of one large contradiction ; each is a contradiction within a particular social totality .
3 Within a few weeks the Minister Mrs Hedy d'Ancona , who is on record as saying that some of the works are in such poor condition that they can not be given away without loss of face , will come forward with a number of proposals .
4 However diverse their origins , this means that they can not be presumed typical of their time ; certainly many wrote their life stories just because they were exceptional .
5 The fact that several types of relatives can be called by the same term does not mean that they can not be distinguished .
6 The difficulty with these checks is that they can not be adjusted to trap the returning hammers without hindering their upward motion .
7 All behaviouristic theories of cognition are viciously third-personal , where that expression signifies , first , that they can not be applied to the first-person perspective and , second that our ability to apply them to the third person really rests on our bringing to bear first-person knowledge : as with rats in mazes , where my plain and unreduced apprehension of the rat 's environment enables me to see its grasp of that environment in terms of its behaviour within it .
8 Data analysis techniques were largely developed to cater for the implementation of database systems , although that does not mean that they can not be applied to non-database situations .
9 That means that they can not be supported , or more importantly tested , by observation .
10 Then again , too many young people have been through the finals course , often at considerable financial hardship to themselves or their families , only to find that they can not be absorbed into a recession-hit profession .
11 Works councils have been particularly important in securing improvements in working conditions and other non-wage elements since many of these are so specific to individual workplaces that they can not be regulated by means of a general , industry-wide agreement .
12 However , their benefits are much less tangible than a physical product in that they can not be stored or displayed and satisfaction is achieved through activities ( e.g. transportation from one place to another rather than say a seat on a train ) .
13 Some of these aspects may well combine in complex and inexplicable ways in the learning process and clearly the teacher can not take the chance of depriving learners of effective learning conditions on the grounds that they can not be explained or controlled .
14 Sometimes it is , sometimes it is n't , but what black people have to do is to become so well qualified that they can not be turned down on this basis — or at least if they are they can refer it to the Race Relations Board .
15 Today there are very few old buildings so structurally unsound that they can not be saved .
16 The Buddha warned men not to rely on mantras , incantations , sacrifices , rites and ceremonies ; he insisted that they can not be saved without their own co-operation .
17 Nothing is said about residence orders , either that they can be made or that they can not be made ex parte .
18 Some risks are so great that they can not be tolerated under any circumstances , while others are so low that they can be tolerated without further justification ; between these extremes , assessment is needed .
19 His position develops into scepticism proper ( i.e. the view that knowledge is impossible rather than merely rarer than one thinks ) when the standards are set so high that they can not be fulfilled .
20 The Law society is seeking a ten year term for the contract , with some crucial provisions entrenched so that they can not be altered for the duration of the contract , except with the Society 's agreement .
21 In October 1875 , their medical officer drew the attention of the Board , after many previous attempts , to meet the need for a separate building , or wards , to receive alleged lunatics who were not susceptible of curative treatment ( sic ) in an asylum , but ‘ whose habits and conduct are such that they can not be associated with the other inmates without injury to the latter ’ .
22 Special schools provide education for children with special needs , on the grounds that they can not be educated satisfactorily in an ordinary school .
23 The dreams cease to bear much relation to reality , but are so important to both men that they can not be awakened from , controlled or stopped , by anything short of death .
24 Such readings of the text lead one to the conclusion that patriarchal presuppositions are woven into the writing in such a way that they can not be extricated .
25 Products which are capable of sterilising are either so noxious or corrosive in the concentration required that they can not be used .
26 Although this characteristic is to some extent a handicap in that they can not be used , for instance , with boiling water , there are very great manufacturing advantages since the stuff can be squirted out hot in the form of tubes and sections or else into an elaborately shaped mould where it can be hardened almost instantaneously by rapid chilling .
27 A different , and in some respects more constructive , approach adopted by some international lawyers ( especially Cassese , 1979 ) points to the weakness in terms of effective enforcement of a prohibition of weapons based only on the argument that they can not be used without violation of the general principles of the humanitarian law of war .
28 Fastness to light may be a problem , but this does not mean that they can not be used to make finished pieces .
29 What is indubitable is that they are used of effects , that they can not be used of unnecessitated events , and hence that effects as we understand them are not unnecessitated events .
30 Instead of saying that in the absence of a community there can be no rules , we say that what is wrong with the solipsist 's rules is that they can not be set up in the way he pretends , by using a private experience as a sample .
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