Example sentences of "[that] they be [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 I think there 's a great cult of perfection amongst women , that they 're trying to be all
2 it is n't an indication that they 're going to be applying for any other jobs that come up .
3 Actually , er , as a point , if you find a client who goes hand-gliding , who goes stock car racing , do n't always assume that they 're going to be rated , you just submit it to the underwriters , and they make their own decision .
4 It 's becoming sort of fairly topical erm where there , and it is , more perhaps related to the fear of crime than the actual crime itself , where , people are afraid to go out for fear that they 're going to be personally attacked , whether it be you know , answering the door at night in their own homes , or actually , you know , going to their cars .
5 It 's quite a nice little town , everybody knows everybody , and they do n't like to feel that they 're going to be outside of the sort of social circle that they move in , so it does have that effect in keeping them under control .
6 Now they also , in the wake of this knowledge is the er awareness that they 're going to be interrogated on this , and they 're also sitting up there thinking ‘ what are we going to say ? ’ and indeed that 's another reason for bringing this whole incident to an end , because in a sense they are cooking up alibis and covering their backs .
7 Oh yeah , the , the twenty pounds premium that they 're proposing to be paid to the and area .
8 The only difference between railways and the other utilities is that they are precieved to be costing the exchequer money , not providing revenue to it .
9 Other aspects of the grammar and phonology of these sentences ( from different speakers ) make it clear that they are intended to be " Patois " .
10 Agreement with the objectives will help to ensure that they are seen to be important and that activity will be directed towards their achievement .
11 Quite apart from the fact that they are bound to be different something approaching 60% of the basic functions will be identical ; loading , saving , printing , editing , type selection , etc .
12 General knowledge quizzes of the trivial pursuit type are useful money raisers but are so popular that they are beginning to be dominated by teams that take an almost professional approach to the game .
13 There is not much comfort for the museum in the knowledge that celebrated works are impossible to fence ; the idiosyncratic choice of stolen works strongly suggests that one buyer 's taste was being followed and that they are destined to be hidden away in a private collection , possibly in South America or Japan .
14 The habit of mind which opposes family and state , and which gives the family a special position in the organization of a polity , is not solely Libyan : strongly étatique societies have often tried to abolish or limit the institution of the family ; and the attempts by government to regulate family life by intervening to increase or to decrease births , by altering rules of inheritance , by inhibiting or encouraging kinship corporations , are so familiar that they are taken to be natural functions of the state .
15 Indeed , they are often considered to be so routine that they are taken to be ‘ normal ’ .
16 Often the attraction of broader approaches like counselling is that they are thought to be able to tackle many massive problems at the same time .
17 The modules remain online until such time that they are requested to be offlined again , at which time they are simply deleted from online storage .
18 ‘ All the polling organisations , like our own private polling , demonstrate a very great firmness of support in those who say thus far that they are going to be voting Labour , and softness in Conservative support . ’
19 All this may seem like a put-off — but so many have died through lack of thought , facilities and impatience I can not give you the impression that they are going to be cheap and easy , quite the reverse !
20 ‘ SIMPLY STUNNING , a rhythmic , hypnotic , widescreen wah-wah washed , mind-widening chunk of funk , it 'll scare the reproductive organs off yer guitar purists , but ‘ Fools Gold ’ is nigh genius ; their finest ten minutes to date reiterating what we already knew — that the Roses are a great band — and confirms what we blithely guessed , that they are going to be MASSIVE , ’ says Danny Kelly .
21 Other clauses are subject to a test of reasonableness , and are enforceable only to the extent that they are shown to be reasonable .
22 It is said that his influence came through his extraordinary power , both learned and ‘ uncanny ’ , to rearrange suggestively the letters of the divine Name ( the Tetragrammaton : YHWH ) , which are so sacrosanct that they are considered to be unpronounceable .
23 Germans now are Europeans in a way they were not before , and indeed the demand of East Germans that they be allowed to be Europeans , with the same wide-ranging and unquestioned rights to travel , study , and residence as the rest of us was both a catalyst and an indication of how much things have changed .
24 Germans now are Europeans in a way they were not before , and indeed the demand of East Germans that they be allowed to be Europeans , with the same wide-ranging and unquestioned rights to travel , study , and residence as the rest of us was both a catalyst and an indication of how much things have changed .
25 Both Warnie and Minto were jealous of anyone who claimed Jack 's love ; this meant that they were bound to be jealous of one another , since for both of them Jack was the most important person in the universe .
26 That the police should stop law-abiding Kent miners at the Dartford tunnel on the grounds that they were thought to be destined for the Yorkshire coalfield two hundred miles away was remarkable indeed .
27 I knew that they were sincere and above all that they were meant to be helpful .
28 He said and I do n't think that they were meant to be perhaps they were meant to be in order of importance .
29 On the other hand , the teacher could have injected an element extrinsic to the drama in the structure by warning the listeners beforehand that they were going to be required to make an accurate report to the rest of the class with the talkers assessing their report for accuracy .
30 Apparently Swedish cows , secure in the knowledge that they were going to be stunned by true Aryans before they were slaughtered , were happy and friendly towards man ; British cows , who might be bled to death for kosher meat , had no such guarantee and were morose and sullen as a result .
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