Example sentences of "[that] they [vb mod] [vb infin] to be " in BNC.

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1 The letter did not say that they would continue to be charged for the service , unless they wrote and asked for it to be stopped .
2 Gaidar ( as Deputy Premier in charge of economic reform — see below for his transfer to the Finance Ministry ) pledged government help for the farmers , promising that they would continue to be eligible for preferential loans , and that a draft bill to release farmers ' sons from military service was in preparation .
3 Admittedly over ninety per cent of people who took part in a survey said that they would want to be told ; but it is important to stress that the respondents were all healthy people , and in illness attitudes may change .
4 Quite apart from the fact that they would appear to be unorthodox and a distortion at its best of Christian theology , I believe it must be said of all these suggestions that , if what is intended is that they should give an equal place to women or to the ‘ feminine ’ within the Christian religion , they fail .
5 First , it is clear that they would need to be mutually oriented ; they would each need to be aware of what the other was doing at any time .
6 Feminist Book Fortnight 1991 would like to inform readers that the FBF list of authors who have indicated that they would like to be involved can be obtained asap from the telephone number below .
7 Workers indicated that they would like to be able to take their holidays without being obliged to find a replacement and so have to do double duty before or after their holiday .
8 A few said that they would like to be a ‘ Towny ’ or at least be able to command similar respect .
9 The Directory will only list and be sent to those who have indicated — either on this year 's or last year 's questionnaire — that they would like to be included .
10 the right one that they would like to be picked .
11 Erm because although they accept that there are certain conditions within the , within the tower block which affect the block as a whole , they would say that they would affect each individual flat to a greater or lesser degree and that they would have to be taken on individual merit .
12 I freely admit that , following that , the Government have been unwilling to introduce other proposals because they feel that they would have to be enforceable , workable and acceptable to a majority of hon. Members .
13 One other consequence of a fresh gradation of sexual offences might be that they would cease to be gender-specific : there are some strange inconsistencies in the law at present , and it is not at all difficult to draft offences which might be committed by males or females against males or females .
14 I took each upon my knee and told them that Mamma is gone to Heaven to God Almighty , and asked them both to promise me that they would try to be good children and follow their mother to that happy place … ‘
15 Superman ( Christopher Reeve ) himself was sometimes hung by wires ( the disadvantage of which is that they might have to be matted out frame by frame by hand ) or supported on a hydraulic arm that came out of the screen at 90° and which , like his shadow , was hidden by his body .
16 A spokesman for the Assembly stated that it was hoped to hold elections by the end of 1992 , but that they might have to be postponed for a few months given the parlous state of the country .
17 I think that they might seem to be an indulgence to supporters more than partners , even if they offered training/education .
18 Consequently , the man in the Kaduna street who watches an NTV report , hears the same story over the state radio and then reads about it in three or four daily papers receives several interpretations of the same event which are very different from one another — so much so that they may appear to be reports of separate events .
19 The plaintiff will be the tenant and the landlord the defendant , but if head lessors or mortgagees are likely to be affected they should be added as defendants and served by the lessee , or else notice should be given to them that they may apply to be joined if desired .
20 For this reason I have been convinced for some months that interest rates are too high and that they should start to be reduced at once .
21 Although augmented now by police powers to give instructions in the control of processions and assemblies and the new crime of offensive conduct it seems likely that they will continue to be of immense practical importance .
22 More generally on durability , it seems that the requirement that the goods be of merchantable quality is a continuing requirement that they will continue to be of merchantable quality for a reasonable period after delivery so long as they remain in the same apparent state as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear .
23 Our policies have been a huge success up to now and we are determined to ensure that they will continue to be so .
24 Whether or not you will be asked to pay for your course remains at the discretion of course organisers and managers , therefore , and I am unable to give any hard and fast guidance here , other than to say that they will have to be kept at a reasonable level to be affordable , particularly by those who have been unemployed or bringing up a family .
25 Repairs are expected to costs hundreds of millions of dollars , and French scientists have admitted that damage to some reactors may be so serious that they will have to be closed on safety grounds .
26 As far as standard neo-classical economic theory is concerned , it is of no real consequence why regional disparities emerge since there are mechanisms in an economy which will ensure that they will prove to be only a temporary phenomenon .
27 I ca n't see that they can afford to be a high profile company ?
28 There is a danger in reading the classics , in that they can come to be regarded simply as literature — so always try to look at them as plays for performance — and , it goes without saying , try to see as much theatre as you can .
29 I suppose everyone had the feeling sometime or other that they 'd like to be free , walk out , wander over the earth .
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