Example sentences of "[that] he [verb] n't [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is a revealing remark , because it shows that he does n't think of himself as being in the business of constructing anything like sentences , though a film sequence is a sort of visual sentence , composed of standard elements inflected in an infinite variety of ways .
2 On another level , on a completely different level the book is about Freud 's attempt in my erm in the second edition of I used the analogy of a detective story like Sherlock Holmes or something , or something er i i it , it 's an attempt by Freud to reconstruct specific historical events that may or may not have happened , using a kind of detective 's method because Freud picks up tiny little clues like Moses ' name , the fact that he does n't appear to be able to speak the language in the Bible , he always speaks through an interpreter , and in the Bible this , this is explained away by saying .
3 What you want is for me to stroke your ego by telling you that he does n't compare to you . ’
4 Gowie says that he does n't want to be liked .
5 ‘ He might discuss some business matters with my father , for whom he has a tremendous respect , but apart from the fact that he does n't live at Parkwood any more he never boasts . ’
6 If they are a sample of your usual conversation I 'm not surprised that he does n't listen to you .
7 One of the reasons that Puttnam gets flak from the film industry , particularly from its fringe , is that he does n't argue on their behalf for a government-subsidised industry .
8 RIDDICK BOWE is so laid back that he does n't look like a man capable of starting a fight , let alone finishing one .
9 Svidrigailov 's answer , when Raskolnikov asks him Shy do n't you see a doctor ? ’ is that he does n't need to be told he 's ill .
10 He said to me that he does n't agree with lesbians , thinks they are absolutely disgusting people , etc. , and how two women can find sexual satisfaction with each other he will never know .
11 The thought made her shudder , but the fact that he had n't referred to the ghastly possibility himself made her wonder if Isabelle had kept her pregnancy a secret from the de Rochefort clan .
12 He puzzled over that , but he kept remembering the older man 's face , and the sadness in it , and the awful fact that he had n't retaliated in any way .
13 Yet , given time , he could roll back any given scene like a film and look at it again , stopping and starting the images at will , examining areas and details that he had n't noticed at the time .
14 Stunned that he had n't known from the first moment that something was wrong with her .
15 It was odd that he had n't thought about that but immediately it came back to him , the name of the exchange , though Hilbert 's phone had been disconnected .
16 For those of us who ca n't make Goodison I think R5 has full commentary on the match … infact they interviewed Wilko last night who was saying that he had n't thought about whether or not anyone could catch Scum , but he was only interested in how many points we could get ‘ it 's like the Grand National ’ , he said , ‘ plenty of favourites fall the seconf time round ’ .
17 But when the dentist had announced that it was urgently necessary to extract two teeth Mills had got up and walked away , glad that he had n't taken off his coat and so would not have to enter into any further discussion while he recovered it from the waiting-room .
18 So it 's not his his fault but a lot of the training that we have to deliver is to do with procedures that he had n't dealt with whereas a lot of the procedures are things that I 'm familiar with there 's only some the job centre stuff
19 He was sweating , and the way he held on to me indicated that he did n't want to be left alone .
20 But my father had such a good heart that he did n't want to be without us .
21 It went without saying that he did n't want to be seen , but it was worth the extra discomfort of hanging around for the extra information that he might pick up .
22 To backpedal and tell any part of the truth would be to admit his complicity with the Ashdown girl , which was something that he did n't want to be drawn into ever again .
23 ‘ He said that he did n't want to be a fashionable doctor .
24 I guessed that he did n't intervene in my dispute with Shadwell because he wanted the situation to deteriorate further .
25 Titus Moody , the curmudgeonly New Englander on Fred Allen 's old radio show , used to say in regard to television that he did n't hold with furniture that lights up .
26 Of Tory Michael Fallon she said she did n't like the fact that he did n't vote for dog registration : ‘ I ca n't understand that . ’
27 It was sudden , ’ he murmured blandly , but she noticed that he did n't comment on how long he 'd known him .
28 McGimpsey confesses that he did n't go to Dornoch with hopes of victory .
29 His behaviour has n't been odd and speaking to his cell mate this morning it seems that he did n't speak to very many people either .
30 It was n't exactly like he had to have an appointment , but it was that he did n't fit into the structure .
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