Example sentences of "[that] are [adj] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Evidence in favour of Honey and Hall 's interpretation comes from examining the conditions that are necessary for the overshadowing effect to emerge in latent inhibition .
2 The team seeks a device that never tires of long and repetitious work , poised in awkward positions , that can cope automatically and speedily with any variation in a complex working environment , that can be kept , if anything , more sterile than any human , and that can operate with an accuracy and steadiness that are impossible for a living hand to attain .
3 A company needs extremely good conversion and testing tools for these jobs — of just the kind that are available for the 88000 , argues Heath — even more so given that some end-user customers are even demanding certification as part of their acquisition and procurement process , 88open says .
4 A company needs extremely good porting and testing tools for these jobs — of just the kind that are available for the 88000 , argues Heath — even more so given that some end-user customers are even demanding certification as part of their acquisition/procurement process , 88open says .
5 Programs that are equivalent for the third reason are proved equivalent by the following rule .
6 Thankfully , major advances in the industry have been made , and this has led to placing emphasis on the fundamental elements that are essential for a successful roof , namely : good design , quality materials and regular maintenance .
7 The appropriate data , which are summarised in Table 1 , provide the basis for the more detailed considerations of mechanical properties , oxygen permeability and surface properties , oxygen permeability and surface properties that are essential for the successful design of new materials .
8 Francis Sullivan , the WWF 's forest conservation officer , said that the treaty provided " the foundation for the constructive changes that are essential for the sustainable management of tropical forests " .
9 For instance , if you have chosen colours that are suitable for a pink picture , you should pick out all the flowers that you have in shades of pink , and perhaps white as a contrast , plus some green or grey leaves , or a combination of the two , and some small feathery pieces to soften the outline .
10 We can appreciate one reason for this if we examine the question , not from the viewpoint of symptoms used to try to distinguish schizophrenia from affective psychosis , but by looking at the underlying psychological processes that are responsible for the two states .
11 This is most confusing since , in England and Wales , there are local government departments — the social services departments — that are responsible for the personal social services but are not directly concerned with health or social security , the main concerns of the secretary of state .
12 The detailed battles go on between Her Majesty 's Treasury , whose constitutional role is to contain spending , and the spending departments that are responsible for the individual services and aware of the demands they are under and of the nature of the rising costs to which they are subject .
13 It is those young rabbits , the timid ones afraid to venture too far from home , that are responsible for the massive damage to crops located near woods , hedges and burrows .
14 In a 1972 paper I suggested that during the evolution of terrestrial open-country monkeys , two main selection pressures operated on the individuals whose collective strategies lead to the interactions and relationships that are responsible for the social structure ( see also Fig. 4.1 ) .
15 The third goal attempts to focus the data analyst 's attention on data points that are unusual for a substantive reason , not just because of the shape of the distribution .
16 To analyse whether other putative developmental control genes expressed at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary were affected by antibody injections , we examined the expression of the zebrafish homologues of murine Wnt-1 and En-2 , genes that are important for the normal formation of this region in mice .
17 There 's a cluster of courses in Suffolk that are ideal for a long weekend and a similar group in Norfolk for those arriving from the North .
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