Example sentences of "[that] at [adv] some [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This book does not have a polemical purpose , but the author has not been able to escape the conclusion that at least some of the customs and habits of mind of the earlier period tended to induce healthier attitudes , both among those on their death-beds and those left behind to mourn .
2 I hope that at least some of the national representatives on the Commission ( two each from Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland , and six from England ) will also be directly elected , but that 's the decision of the national associations . ’
3 In fact I think there is overwhelming evidence to show that at least some of the time a ouija board can be a device ( like a crystal ball or a pendulum ) for releasing the forces of the subconscious in an irresponsible way , which can cause untold damage to the human personality . ’
4 But some aspects of traditional medicine have received more attention than others , and it is reasonable to suppose that at least some of the neglected aspects embody knowledge of potential value .
5 To comment on the missing issues from the general election , as do the various articles in your issue of 17 April , without recognition that at least some of the parties tried to widen the political agenda , is to provide a very incomplete analysis for finding the way forward .
6 One might have expected that at least some of the Labour members would welcome this opportunity to save the airport entrusted to them , but it appears that the ordinary members are unable to use their right to vote in accordance with their wishes , however strongly held .
7 It 's important that at least some of the grilles are fitted with quick-release locking systems , so they can be quickly removed in the case of fire .
8 The celebrated Wasp Pendant ( Figure 28 ) came from a rich burial at Mallia , and it is generally believed that at least some of the Aigina Treasure — found at Aigina , but of unknown provenance — came from Mallia too .
9 This has generally been assumed to have been the result of competition from the adaptively superior North American mammals , but Marshall ( 1981 ) has recently argued that at least some of the extinction was caused by changes in the physical environment .
10 It says that at least some of the characteristics of this hyper-individualist people can not be explained by what has happened to them in the Ottoman time and since , because these characteristics predate the Ottomans .
11 This suggestion is supported by studies that show that at least some of the activities of GGF ( and related ) gene products have been associated with expression of the EGF motif alone .
12 The occurrence of these cells in TCR -β transgenic RAG-1 mutant mice suggests that at least some of the surface TCR- β chains are not associated with any of the other known complete TCR polypeptide chains .
13 The organisers hope that at least some of the multinational companies taking part will stay on permanently .
14 Historical analysis showing that at least some of the conflict has been exaggerated can be used to support the argument .
15 What he does know is that at least some of the whales seem to have started making Puget Sound their regular summer feeding ground .
16 A set of criteria might be given as a list , but it is more likely that at least some of the relationships between individual criteria will be indicated .
17 It should be said that the fact that electrical activity was possible indicates that Miss Thomas had experienced the cardiac arrest a relatively short time prior to her arrival in the department and that at least some of the resuscitative effort performed by the police had been effective .
18 The War Artists Advisory Committee was set up , not only to stimulate and artistic record of war and related activities , but also to help ensure that at least some of the artists would be saved from First World War carnage .
19 The only way to handle it was to ignore it and hope that at least some of the complications would sort themselves out on their own .
20 If the rays of light that form the event horizon , the boundary of the black hole , can never approach each other , the area of the event horizon might stay the same or increase with time but it could never decrease — because that would mean that at least some of the rays of light in the boundary would have to be approaching each other .
21 So I think we geologists should not be too bashful to theorise on the basis of purely geological evidence , and I can not avoid the conclusion that at least some of the enigmas I have been discussing may have an origin in the climate .
22 Not that the readers were willing to take Oz 's revolutionary package with the seriousness that at least some of the contributors had intended .
23 Some have been initially successful and then suffered a relapse , suggesting that at least some of the cases owed their success more to the Hawthorne effect than to a deeper understanding of people .
24 It seems likely that at least some of the pathological effects of alcohol are related to its tissue concentration or the concentration of its metabolites , in particular acetaldehyde .
25 It seems likely then that at least some of the renewable energy options will be pursued over the next few years .
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