Example sentences of "[that] you will [vb infin] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Because your school will have a lot of contacts in industry , it is likely that you will meet a lot of adults from working places in different situations who will help to make your learning more interesting .
2 In so doing , he has enabled me to tell you of the matter — in the fervent hope that you will discover a means of informing the queen my mother of our case . ’
3 We all know that there is some disturbance outside — you have already said that you will make a statement on that — but it is unusual for the doors not to be locked by this stage in a Division .
4 Remember if you are on an income related benefit it is likely that you will receive a grant for all the ‘ reasonable ’ costs .
5 If the contract makes it clear that you will receive a bonus , without specifying a fixed sum , your entitlement is probably to a figure that is reasonable , taking into account sums received in previous years .
6 ‘ I do not think , ’ he said with some conviction , ‘ that you will find a company prepared to take the risk . ’
7 Unless you have a transformer made or wind one yourself , it is unlikely that you will find a 22V secondary , but a 20V type is quite satisfactory .
8 You can be sure that you will find a solution of Laplace 's equation satisfying the boundary conditions , but you will have to find out which problem you have obtained the solution of .
9 An omnibus awaited us , and we got ourselves and our luggage stowed therein or thereon ; but a place in the hotel omnibus does not guarantee that you will find a corner in the house .
10 And it may be , for example , that you will have a school that has a very high erm high number of children perhaps who are particularly motivated towards computer studies .
11 The leaves will need to be clear of the soil surface , which means that you will have a row of cuttings protruding some 3–4 inches ( 8–10cm ) .
12 I chose the filename PENGUIN because it 's unlikely that you will have a file of that name on your hard disk .
13 When you warn your child that you will withdraw a privilege if he or she does X , Y or Z , make sure it is a threat that you can deliver .
14 My hope is that you will become a supporter of UNICEF and that , together , we can give them what they so desperately need : a passport to health for their children .
15 Most lay clients assume that you will get a report from their GP , although this is not usually necessary or desirable .
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