Example sentences of "[that] you have [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So you think this vitiated all the economic planning that you 'd so carefully prepared for ?
2 the idea was there and the structure and everything was there it was just that you had n't actually explained what you had to do first , you know , to come back with the erm recommendations erm but you did , you did get the date confirmed to come back for the second appointment which was good .
3 One last matter please erm , so far as I understand that you 've not yet drafted the separate staff requirement for reconnaissance , I beg you pardon , reconnaissance equipment for Eurofighter two thousand .
4 But no-one seems interested in the fact that you 've almost certainly stinted yourself for years .
5 We 're here for two days and I 'm going to present to what to some of you will be some new ideas some new concepts that you 've perhaps never come across before .
6 ‘ However , I see that you 've only just got up . ’
7 I 've been to the open-air theatre on the island every year since it opened , and I always tell people that you 've never really seen Shakespeare until you 've seen it on Brownsea .
8 Once you 've got the rating , you know that you 've never before enjoyed such flying freedom .
9 Let us promise you , you are not allowed to die any more , we are going to s , to improve our treatment , and you 're going to survive , but with daily , increasing threat to that financial dependence that you 've so keenly want , that you want for your loved ones .
10 I understand that you have either already prepared the information or have the matters in hand .
11 As a practical measure , keep a full record of all jobs that you apply for and the responses that you receive to show that you have not simply sat back and waited for the money to roll in .
12 ( Incidentally if the number 30 031 has no special significance for you , I think I can safely claim that you have not properly settled the conjecture following 1.3.10 . )
13 I take it that you have not yet received a demand ? ’
14 To make what are commonly known as " voluminous notes " is a contradiction or at any rate an acknowledgement that you have not yet decided on why you are making notes .
15 The first thing to remember is that you have not necessarily lost your place even if you have n't quite made the grades required .
16 As you near the end of your first video safari , the low-battery warning in your viewfinder may begin to flash , indicating that you have not long to go before switch-off for the day .
17 When you have read a case in the reports or in a case book , do your best to convey this fact by referring to some apposite passage in the judgment or some other relevant detail of the report which will indicate that you have not merely relied on a textbook .
18 What have you got to lose that you have n't already given me ? ’
19 I 'll just erm pick up on maybe some things that you have n't already mentioned .
20 But have you not already briefed Mr Major , have you not already briefed Downing Street about those talks , and given that you have , what else is there , what else can you offer Mr Major , that you have n't already offered ?
21 You 're gon na have to watch Jean , if anybody offers you them that you have n't already got them .
22 But it 's the year that you have n't , but yo the year before that you have n't yet paid for you have to pay for it in the year that it you do n't make any profit .
23 ‘ By the way , have you told him that you have n't yet got a divorce ?
24 The problem with keeping the original ( e.g. as a photocopy , with sections highlighted ) is that you have n't really done anything with it yet : you have n't assimilated it or made it your own , in the sense of fitting it with ( and so allowing it to affect ) your existing thoughts and knowledge .
25 Use a seven point scale where 1 would indicate that you have never previously driven through the junction and 7 would indicate that you drive through the junction nearly every day ’ .
26 Jupiter is about 11 times the diameter and about 1300 times the volume of the Earth , and in its size and in many other respects is a very different world from the terrestrial planets that you have so far met in this book .
27 everybody does a bit of camera work and sound and things and everybody experiences those different roles that you have so far covered , you know , across the documentary , but not in every act .
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