Example sentences of "[that] it was [pron] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 Lutyens 's family were brought up to believe that it was their father who invented Nanna , and that it was from their own night nursery window in Bloomsbury Square that Wendy and the boys flew with Peter Pan to the Neverland .
2 It was just a place where she had been left , and as she grew out of infancy she knew that it was her mother who had left her there .
3 Training to be a teacher and with a wisdom that belied her years , she explained that it was her half-brother who was now living in Mainz and had suggested that Erich ( the Dusseldorfer ) travel down to Tonga to look for a wife .
4 So why was it and how come that Madame was claiming that the opposite was true and that it was her father who was the person out of favour ?
5 One farmer in North Wales admitted that it was his wife who had trained him in lambing techniques after having been on a training course .
6 And it 's very probable , at that age , that it was our family who told us , or implied ( or maybe even talked about us to neighbours — ‘ She 's chubby already , I 'm worried about her , weight problems run in our family ’ , or ‘ She gets her looks from her dad' ) whether we were pretty or not , and formed the basis of our self-image .
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