Example sentences of "[that] it be his [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Every employee should note that it is his responsibility to ensure that Health and Safety regulations are complied with .
2 For whatever reason the Act provides that it is his responsibility to make the request , either for blood or urine .
3 It has been said , on the one hand , that in this situation the bard is accountable to society , and is its spokesman ; on the other hand , that it is his duty to serve the past and present glory of the ruling class .
4 A child who does not understand the nature of an oath may give unsworn evidence if in the opinion of the court : ( i ) he understands that it is his duty to speak the truth ; and ( ii ) he has sufficient understanding to justify his evidence being heard ( s96(1) and ( 2 ) ) .
5 He knows that it is his business to contribute something of his own to this store of experience ; and that he should play his part in moulding it and improving it to meet changing conditions .
6 Not so Jack , who appeared to have forgotten that it was his idea to invite them in the first place .
7 And further , he said that it was his determination to see me again , to persuade me to live with him , that had streng-thened in him the desire to go on living , a desire that had been weak since the death of Montaine .
8 Back in 1980 Geoff Yeadon had told Geoff Crossley that it was his ambition to see King Pot and the East Kingsdale Master Cave , linked to West Kingsdale and Keld Head .
9 When she 'd been selected , and automatically compelled to leave the Navy , taking an appointment at a civilian hospital , he 'd told himself that it was his duty to visit her to see that she was settled in … not lonely .
10 Nevertheless there is little doubt that in the cases of Frederick and Joseph at least a feeling that an enlightened ruler ought to be above merely personal and family considerations , that it was his duty to sacrifice them ruthlessly on the altar of the State , was a factor in their behaviour to their own blood relations .
11 He told them that he was answerable to Parliament alone when he made decisions and that it was his duty to take into account the wider interests of the public .
12 By then James had , somewhat unwillingly , been persuaded by Mar and a few of his leading supporters that it was his duty to preserve the dynasty by making his escape .
13 Hardy firmly believed that it was his duty to face up to the unpleasant aspects of life , if by so doing he could show sympathy with his fellow man and , perhaps , after all , offer hope for improvement in the future .
14 As ruler of Aquitaine Henry felt that it was his duty to impose a settlement , but in recent years Louis VII had been showing some interest in this region , which lay on the route between Paris and Toulouse .
15 They believed that he held his kingdom from God , that it was his duty to provide peace and justice and to further Christianity , and that his life should be a fitting example to his people .
16 Though he never disguised his leadership ambitions , he continued to deny that it was his intention to challenge the Prime Minister .
17 He stated that it was his intention to start a Salisbury delivery but great-grandmother said that whilst she would n't change , her daughter who was about to marry might be interested .
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