Example sentences of "[that] it [be] [noun] who had " in BNC.

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1 The same month , a United Nations commission , set up as part of the peace agreement , said that it was d'Aubuisson who had arranged the murder of Archbishop Oscar Romero in 1980 .
2 Keynes has shown that he and his brothers , six of them according to Florence of Worcester , appear in the witness lists of royal charters for some time before 1006 ; but it was in 1007 that Eadric received his ealdormanry , and Florence says that it was Eadric who had Ælfhelm murdered and the king who blinded his sons .
3 In his defence , the defendant claimed that it was T who had approached him and that he had not initiated the agreement .
4 Only then did it occur to me that , of course , my witticism would not be easily appreciated by someone who was not aware that it was gypsies who had passed by .
5 Recall that it was three-year-olds who had difficulty with Flavell 's appearance-versus-reality problems ; and indeed further experiments have shown that there is a strong statistical correlation between performance on the appearance-reality and on the false belief task .
6 She thought that it was Matey who had encouraged Dr Neil to become a doctor and take up an East End practice .
7 For a while afterwards , it seemed that it was Sean who had been cursed .
8 Louis responded to these totally unjustified demands by arguing that it was Henry who had broken the agreement by keeping Alice in his custody for far too long .
9 Hugh Kenner is no doubt right to suppose that it was Pound who had been thinking of it .
10 Betty was so relieved to see Lydia in spirits again that she did n't care at all that it was Beuno who had wrought the transformation .
11 Blanche did not want to mention that it was Capron who had forbidden Urquhart to meet her again .
12 Her brow furrowed on the realisation that it was Niall who had been responsible for the last-minute change of plans .
13 And the apologist who might wish to make Huxley the aggressor should know that one observer , the zoologist Alfred Newton , clearly reported that it was Huxley who had first been chaffed by the bishop .
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