Example sentences of "[that] it [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Berni Miller , chief executive of the Farm Holiday Bureau , says she finds the report encouraging and feels that it broadly reflects the way the industry round the country is moving at the moment , although business in other regions is less seasonal than the West Country .
2 As I wrote to you at the time ( since you refused even then to see me or any of your old friends and supporters ) I accepted the MS as a sacred trust and would do what I could to see that it eventually saw the light of day in the most appropriate form .
3 One , with its morbid traits of personalised delusion , chaotic thinking , and bizarre affect , is so self-destructive that it frequently reduces the sufferer to psychological incompetence .
4 He says that it probably pre-dates the church by 1,000 years .
5 The concept of referential rigidity in the sense in which it is used in the above theory , on the other hand , goes beyond this in that it already presupposes the idea of " per se " existence .
6 The difficulty with this direct form of government is that it rarely survives the death of the caudillo .
7 He used to be fond of quoting this rhyme : There is so much bad in the best of us And so much good in the worst of us , That it ill becomes the rest of us , To think evil of any one of us .
8 In specific terms , we can take this to mean : that war remains a political act ; that war must also be understood to be a revolutionising act ; and , finally , that it thereby acquires the potential to become ‘ absolute war ’ — whose corollary is total victory and absolute peace .
9 Although economic recovery led to a resurgence in manufacturing investment after 1983 , it was only in 1988 that it finally surpassed the level achieved at the end of the 1970s .
10 But Hitler 's prophecy , highly significant though it appears in retrospect , was at the time probably taken much for granted by most ‘ ordinary ’ Germans in the context of the ever more overtly radical anti-Jewish policy of the regime — a ‘ prophecy ’ so commonplace in its sentiments that it scarcely prompted the need for exultant expressions of praise , just as it failed to stir up any animosity or repulsion .
11 Equally , if the board of directors could be restructured so that it effectively monitored the executive managers of the company , who would monitor the board itself ?
12 They claimed that the ruling nullified the government 's argument that it had no liability for the death of the Palestinian because it was an act of war , and that it effectively restored the government 's response to the intifada to the status of a police operation .
13 He added that it also omitted the question of disestablishment .
14 So impressed was it with the Darlington operation that it also adopted the design of the questionnaire and the logo .
15 We 've already designated Spectra or Dyneema line for your stunter and for the good reason that this material is not only lightest for its strength , but that it also has the property of sliding on itself even with as many as fifteen twists between flyer and kite .
16 However , it appears from Annex III thereto , to which paragraph D of Title IV ( timetable ) of the programme refers , that it also covers the elimination of restrictions on freedom of establishment in the sea-fishing sector .
17 Some say the lion was set up to celebrate a victory over the Venetians — although that seems barely credible , a defeated , down-trodden beast being the more usual symbol for a defeated enemy — others that it simply marks the position of the old eastern gate , through which travellers to and from Venice would go .
18 Aid has created such artificial divisions within what should be normal national programmes of health care or agriculture that it now obstructs the development of such programmes on a country-wide basis .
19 The garden had been built by his great-great-grandfather , but , like his father and his father 's father , he had made his own small changes to the original scheme , extending the garden to the north , so that it now filled the whole of the ancient island of Manhattan .
20 Formed in 1960 as a national liberation movement , SWAPO led the struggle against colonial rule , and in April 1990 Nujoma said that it now faced the challenge of transformation into a political party , geared to political campaigning and fighting elections .
21 Unsurprising , perhaps , but in a country that for 40 years has acted like a poodle it is striking to find a Japanese suggesting that it now has the strength of a rottweiler .
22 Migrat if migration is a problem I think you will all agree that it actually hampers the development process , what should we , what should we do ?
23 For a moment his attractiveness shone so powerfully that it almost sabotaged the warning bells sounding strident alarm inside Charity 's head .
24 The pistol was pressed against his cheek so hard that it almost broke the skin .
25 It remains true , of course , that the formal system of a foreign language is very obviously different from that of the learner 's first language , that it therefore forms the basis of any full communication , and that it needs to be acquired in some way .
26 The great diversity of industrial conflict means that it often takes the form of a tactical response .
27 Her beauty was so startling that it mysteriously approached the comic .
28 The primary intention is only to consider the Cossacks on a formation basis , and certainly all the evidence indicates that it never entered the mind of anyone at HQ 5 corps that a comprehensive detailed screening process should take place , to sort out liability to repatriation on an individual basis .
29 It has been objected against this kind of reasoning that it really misses the point the sceptic is trying to make .
30 In particular , he seems to have clashed with the IS lobby , with its own project-related concept of study skills and its conviction that it alone had the knowledge and experience in this field .
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