Example sentences of "[that] the [adj] [noun sg] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 It is a widely held prejudice that the closest boxing gets to Art is that the guy who holds the towels at ringside might just be called that .
2 A major point emerging from our analysis of language/network relationships is that the variable network needs to be considered in relation to the variable sex of speaker .
3 Suffice it to conclude that there is overwhelming evidence that the external information delivered to those who might use it as an aid to their strategic decision making will tend actually to be used to the extent that it matches the detailed task being undertaken and its context .
4 And it is still a curiosity that the broad sense seems to be practically confined to the work of Scaevola .
5 The the options seem to me , as Mr Mr said that the thing had got so convoluted and confused that the simple option seemed to be close it all down and I I would imagine that groups , other than ourselves who 've had people like me in the group who 've said why are this thing coming up again , let's close it down and have done with it .
6 Er , I think it would be far better to have a streamlined regulatory system which would make the much cheaper and more efficient and I 'm glad that the honourable gentleman seems to be agreeing and perhaps he could try and persuade his honourable mefem member on the front bench that legislation , primary legislation is needed , I 'm glad to hear he 's working on it erm on on the second on the second point he made about the number of regulations , I 'm not sure I would agree with him that the best way of resolving this problem is to have less regulations er er though I would agree with the general er thrust of what he might be saying and that is that if the regulatory system was to concentrate on promoting higher professional standards and have less emphasis on rules and regulations then I think that would help .
7 Dean Acheson informed various American ambassadors in late April 1949 that the Japanese government had to be given more authority so as to re-establish civilian government properly .
8 On Nov. 22 Finance Minister Seguel Morel announced that the Central Bank proposed to repurchase $140,000,000 of its foreign debt at a 58.25 per cent discount , costing $81,400,000 .
9 It was goodbye to the last vestiges of pre-war LMS and LNER designs , and even the slam-door concept that the Southern Railway bequeathed to its nationalised successor was displaced from many important commuter routes .
10 Slightly bemused , she realised that the businesslike urgency appeared to be entirely on her side , in spite of the earlier impression that he knew how busy she must be , that he had no wish to waste any of her valuable time …
11 It struck me , in fact , as just the kind of deadly conventional , decorative , romanticised art-house film that the 64-year-old director used to rail against in the magazine Cahiers du Cinema during the Fifties and Sixties .
12 In discussing economic support I indicated that the net flow continues to be from older to younger generations and normally this is not reversed .
13 As we draw near to the table in the course of the nest few minutes to meet with our Lord , in the bread and in the wine , let's just remember today that the power , that the energy , that the spiritual renewal comes to us because God is with us and God is with us now , because of the activity of God the Holy Spirit .
14 In the light of these dicta , it appears that the traditional view referred to above has been overthrown .
15 It is particularly unfortunate that the earliest work came to nothing .
16 And he felt , obscurely , that the terrible accident needed to be given coherent thought .
17 There is no doubt , then , that the modified theory led to no new testable consequences and would be quite unacceptable to a falsificationist .
18 Bellerophon ‘ slew the Amazons , women peers of men ’ and Heracles , the most popular of Greek heroes , found that the Ninth Labour assigned to him was to seize the girdle of the Amazon queen .
19 I suspected ironically that the extra publicity given to the Great Transcontinental Mystery Race Train had n't hurt the enterprise in the least .
20 Moreover , there are no data in healthy man regarding the contribution that the colonic mucosa makes to whole body protein synthesis .
21 By now denying that the arm's-length principle applies to national museums Lord Armstrong makes me wonder how he interpreted his new role when he moved from being Mrs Thatcher 's Cabinet Secretary to being her choice as Chairman of the V & A. If he saw himself as dutifully executing government policy over the V & A 's restructuring it is understandable that he did not subsequently feel constrained to resign , nor to dismiss his director , when it had become clear to the museum 's staff that the essence of the restructuring separation of research from ‘ object-management ’ had been abandoned as unworkable .
22 After the Conservatives gained power in 1979 , many would argue that the arm's-length principle started to be eroded .
23 They say the survey is inaccurate because it is based on incorrect figures that the Prime Minister gave to parliament this year .
24 What is significant , as Kee points out , is that the Roman Church assented to the role Constantine arrogated to himself .
25 The measurements of pressure and temperature do not penetrate beyond about the 1 bar level , but it seems certain that the adiabatic lapse-rate persists to far greater depths .
26 For the reasons that I have endeavoured to outline , I think that the assistant recorder came to a correct conclusion and I too would dismiss this appeal .
27 A rival of the Round Table , this party boycotted the elections on the grounds that the Supreme Soviet belonged to a power structure illegally imposed on Georgia .
28 Unthreatened by war service , he found , like his friends , that the only way to prove to himself that he was grown up was to chase and lie with innumerable young women .
29 Lord Diplock also pointed out that the only case brought to their Lordships ' attention in which an appellate court had actually excluded evidence on the ground that it had been unfairly obtained by a trick was Reg. v. Payne [ 1963 ] 1 W.L.R. 637 .
30 This is very possible but , what is clear is that the only course open to you is to introduce your ferrets and hope that they will bolt a reasonable number of the occupants , since the depths involved make digging out impossible .
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