Example sentences of "[that] the [noun] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The name ‘ Someone ’ that the protagonist is given during his death indicates his loss of social identity : he is no one in particular but all people , for his nuclear death family constitutes the ‘ primeval atom ’ .
2 Each of these is a type of contract of sale of goods and each has the characteristic that the buyer is committed to acquiring ownership of the goods .
3 ‘ The next thing you will be telling me is that the moon is made of green cheese , ’ Blake snarled .
4 However , it seems fairly certain that the Moon is depleted in iron with respect to the Earth , not only in iron alone but also in iron-rich compounds because iron and these compounds are too dense to be sufficiently abundant to make up the iron abundance to that of the Earth .
5 In Jeremiah xliv.17 there is a suggestion that the moon was worshipped by the Israelites
6 From about 3900 Ma ago to about 3300 Ma ago it is clear from Figure 6.9 that the Moon was subjected to its last heavy bombardment .
7 It says a lot about the quality of US diplomatic thinking that the Americans were flattered to be put on the same level as the Soviet rulers .
8 This means that it is no defence that the defendant believes that the policeman is acting outside the scope of his duty , even if he reasonably so thought .
9 If a person knows that he is confronted by a policeman and comes to the conclusion , wrongly , that the policeman is acting outside the scope of his duty , he acts at his peril if he chooses to use force to escape from his predicament .
10 Investigators confirmed yesterday that the crash was caused by wind shear — an unexpected gust near ground level .
11 The report was believed to have concluded that the crash was caused by a bomb carried on board by a Congolese national , Appolinaire Managatany , an opponent of the Congolese government , and , moreover , that Managatany had close links with the Libyan leader , Col. Moamer al Kadhafi , and the head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) , Ahmed Jabril .
12 Some Palestinians , however , leapt to the conclusion that the crash was staged in order to boost sympathy for the PLO leader ahead of a crucial meeting of the 90-member PLO central council which was due to open in Tunis today .
13 This unattractive prospectus was such , that the destination was changed to New Road , amid some local mirth in the press .
14 It may be recommended that independent psychiatric or psychological assessment is made or that the sufferer is admitted for prolonged assessment over a period of time ( ten days or so ) in daily contact with the group of patients already in treatment .
15 There was movement there amid the tumbled rocks that the dusk was making into a maze of shadow .
16 Myth has it that the accumulation was financed by frugal Japanese workers .
17 Conditional grants are dependent ( in some way ) on the behaviour of the recipient local authority ; for example , central government may require that the grant be spent on some particular expenditure programme ( health , education , transport ) .
18 " The Surveyers and Overseers of Day Appoint that the roads be Wrought on this Year .
19 " The Surveyers and Overseers of Day Appoint that the roads be Wrought on this Year .
20 Kress 's Diner was a double-fronted place with a prominent sign telling everybody that the premises were protected by the J. B. Storekeepers ' Mutual Aid Company .
21 It was clear that the premises were used for viewing works of art stored there by Capricorn and that it controlled access to the vault .
22 Secondly , the most obvious suggestion is that the cases are caused by the direct effects of environmental radiation on the child or fetus .
23 Company patronage is tangible evidence that the companies are committed to high standards of professional management .
24 It was suggested that the subject be viewed with a white background at low intensity , and an area measure defined as the complement of the sum of pixels seen , in the total pixel count .
25 The Civil Justice Review recommended that the suggestion of Lord Donaldson M.R. That the subject be looked at in the round be taken up .
26 This pitfall can be avoided by ensuring that the subject is covered in an educational programme and by providing long-term follow-up with a system that seeks out those who do not attend the clinic .
27 The point is , in cases both of realist and mainstream postmodernist cinema , that the subject is placed in a fixed , rigid , and stereotyped position .
28 1 ‘ The way that the subject is taught through the life of the school e.g. health habits , games , school government and self help in building and decorating etc. 2 ‘ The way that the subject taught in school can be related to life in the community , e.g. community health , social service , home vegetable plots etc .
29 We are encouraged by the success of this venture which is seen as being a very important contribution , not only to the WISE programme but in extending the influence of technology to more girls , particularly now that the subject is included in the National Curriculum .
30 This meant that the subject was developing in a specific type of state with a specific view of the main features of international society .
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