Example sentences of "[that] if it [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Local residents again pointed out that so far all the dust that had blown had come from one three-acre section of the lake : ‘ The worry is that if it 's not attended to and if the entire 150 acres rise up and start blowing at the same time it could be a national disaster .
2 I mean would , would , would n't you think it is a , a directive that if it 's not happening in your area you make it happen ?
3 There may be an advantage in laying down a procedure where the application is novel , and/or the parties believe that a particular approach is necessary and that if it is not stipulated an expert is likely to follow some other undesired procedure .
4 This combination of characters in Sivapithecus indicates that if it is indeed related to the orang-utan , characters like the straight shaft and convex deltoid plane that are present in the extant great apes must have arisen independently in the orang-utan and the African apes .
5 The company has not attempted to sell its products abroad , but feels that if it is ever to expand again , then overseas markets are the only feasible method .
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