Example sentences of "[that] if [pron] [verb] [adv] get " in BNC.

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1 Miners , aerospace workers , no one seems to be safe from the axe — except perhaps all these public servants who think that if they do n't get a hefty pay rise every year they are hard done by .
2 I 'm very concerned that if we do n't get some urgent remedial action to do this brickwork , that we 're gong to have a major problem down there .
3 I do n't imp intend to preach to the converted but what I do intend to say to anyone in this hall that 's either indifferent or complacent or just too idle to do anything than let this motion drift by them , that if we do n't get together on this issue to get the message over to our national officers and in turn the T U C , that if we do n't stand and fight for the right to uphold the basic principles of what I believe to be trade unionism , that is the right to withdraw labour , the right to protect our brothers and sisters from oppressive employers , the right to command decent conditions and fair pay without fair reprisal .
4 So it 's very important that if we do n't get erm visitors coming into the country from overseas that we perhaps erm help the industry , the industry helps itself indeed by giving and providing holidays for people from this country .
5 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
6 Now that does n't mean to say that if you do n't get to that figure you 're blown out .
7 The old man never wrote because he could n't write , but everyone in the East End knew that if you did n't get one of those brown envelopes pushed under your door the member of your family who was away at the war must still be alive .
8 But I knew that it was no massive dental operation in progress but that the sluice itself was blocked by leaves , that the water going into the pipe which fed the turbine was at a minimum and that if I did n't get up and deal with the problem the turbine would shut down and the melin would be pretty cold in the morning .
9 I thought that if I did n't get out I might end up being thrown out .
10 they said that if I did n't get it done within the next fortnight it would close up .
11 All I knew was that one afternoon while I was at the office in London someone poured petrol through my letter-box at Seaview , along with a note warning me that if I did n't get out of G.W. Fashions there would be other similarly unpleasant incidents to look forward to , and that next time the petrol would be accompanied by a lighted rag . ’
12 The letter had not been answered , and the Laird of Gartmore took offence , declaring ‘ that if he did not get such trifles to oblige his friends that they might depend upon his going against them ’ .
13 I meet men now who say things like , ‘ I 'm worried that if she does n't get a move on , it 'll be too late . ’
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